New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
10/30/2019 |
Improvements |
Autotrader |
Added inline action buttons to Autotrader to pause or stop individual rows with one click. |
10/29/2019 |
Improvements |
Options |
TT has added OSE to the list of markets included in the Advanced Options package. Advanced Options users will now see theoretical values, vol measurements and Greeks on options on OSE futures contracts and can use TT's suite of options tools to analyze their trades and positions. |
10/25/2019 |
Improvements |
Autospreader Rules |
Updated the shared Autospreader Rule "(TT) Liquidity Based Backoff Tick" to check the liquidity at the desired hedge price. Previously, the condition checked the liquidity at opposite inside market, regardless of the hedge price. |
10/25/2019 |
Improvements |
Autospreader Rules |
Added new shared Autospreader Rules: (TT) Prevent Quote Cross and (TT) Prevent Hedge Cross. This rule is designed to not intentionally cross the market with a quote or hedge order. However, the market could move while the order is in-flight to the exchange resulting in the order being immediately filled nonetheless. |
10/25/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
There is a new csv file which contains OTC trades. The file is named like trade_reports_[connection_id]_market_tt_audit_YYYY_MM_DD.csv. This file will be included in the main EFT audit file for exchanges where enhanced OTC functionality is supported. |
10/25/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
All FIX Services for this release were initially deployed to UAT at EOD Sept. 6, 2019. *Update:* adjusted production roll-out dates. Version: v73 |
10/23/2019 |
Improvements |
Orders |
On CME, sending any valid value selected in User Setup (or set in Order Tag Defaults) for Customer Order Handling Instruction (Tag 1031) is now supported. This tag will be mandatory in Production on November 17. |
10/22/2019 |
Improvements |
Performance |
Improved the performance handling of price updates within the TT browser version and TT Desktop application. |
10/18/2019 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
TT will support the Dress Rehearsal in production on October 19 in preparation for the API upgrade on November 25. NOTE that participation will be using the Euronext_DEV market and not on the normal Euronext market. |
10/18/2019 |
Improvements |
In an effort to ensure equitable distribution of system resources on general population (gen-pop) Algo Servers, TT will be enabling resource limits. Specifically, on October 20, TT will begin limiting the number of ADL algos that a user can run on general population Algo Servers as follows. |
10/18/2019 |
Improvements |
To ensure equitable distribution of common system resources on non-dedicated Algo Servers, limits on the maximum number of ADL algos that can be run in each data center have been instituted as follows: |
10/15/2019 |
Improvements |
Exposed the application id and the client order id so users can match up requests with responses. (v2.0.0.10) |
10/15/2019 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue where PnL calculations do not handle the creation on new SODs on the modification records. (v2.0.0.10) |
10/15/2019 |
Improvements |
Added a OrderbookSynced event which will be called after the positions are all updated and ready to go. (v2.0.0.10) |
10/12/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where FIX Security Definition server v67 could crash due to an error in processing malformed price subscription requests. Version: v67 |
10/12/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where tag 129, DeliverToSubID, could be missing on unsolicited execution reports received on a FIX order routing session. Version: v73 |
10/11/2019 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
The first Euronext Optiq dress rehearsal will occur in production on Saturday, October 19th. |
10/11/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
User Setup has added support on CME for Customer Order Handling Instruction (tag 1031). Administrators can set this value in the Account->Exchange->CME tab or under the Order Tag Defaults tab. This tag is now mandatory in UAT, and will be mandatory in Production on November 17. |
10/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Orders |
Improved the performance handling of order updates within the TTW/TTD application. |
10/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Autotrader |
Added a "Pause All" button to the Autotrader widget. |
10/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Options |
Clicking on the “order entry” icon in the bottom pane of created strategies in the Strategy Creation widget now launches a new, stand-alone, non-floating Order Entry widget. |
10/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Positions |
The Positions widget now provides an optional "P/L AvgOpen" column which calculates p/l using the average open price vs the current market price. |
10/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
The Audit Trail now includes ExchTransID as an optional column. |
10/07/2019 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue which resulted in IsSimulation always returning true. (v2.0.0.9) |
10/07/2019 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue that resulted in the inability to subscribe for prices for certain contracts. (v2.0.0.9) |
10/04/2019 |
Fixes |
Removed the limitation of a maximum of 50 levels of depth. (v2.0.0.8) |
10/04/2019 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue where the Working Qty field can be wrong on Iceberg orders. ( |
10/04/2019 |
Improvements |
Settings |
Added the ability to disable "trade out allowed" for user limits. By default, trade out is allowed. |
10/04/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for (5) vendor-defined fields to the FIX XML schema, which are reserved for future use by 3rd-party algo / FIX Out execution destinations. Version: v73 |
10/02/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The global Preferences > Orders tab now provides a checkbox named "Populate TextTT with algo template name". When set to ON, this preference automatically seeds the TextTT field with the name of the template when a template is used to place a TT Order Type or other algo, |
10/02/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Algos |
Added a new OMA algo named 'MinVol'. This algo allows users to specify a minimum quantity required at a price level to work the exchange order. |
10/01/2019 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue that caused an exception for fills that have a fill group. (v2.0.0.7) |