New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Production Start | Production Complete | Type | Component | Release Note |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
Autospreader |
Autospreader configuration now includes a new "Max Exposure (clips)" setting that overrides the default behavior of the Reload functionality and specifies the number of clips (aka "slices", not quantity) the spread order can be legged before Autospreader stops quoting. When setting this to a value greater than 1, Autospreader will continue to submit quote orders even if the disclosed quantity of a hedge order is legged. Note: This is a front end change only and back-end server support for this feature will be deployed over the next few weeks. (Ref 157206) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
Settings |
We have hidden the global preference to use ClearPort symbology until we do support CME ClearPort. (Ref 156240) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
Canceling a locked care order that has unreleased fills will cause the fills to become orphaned from the parent order. Sometimes this action is needed by the execution trader to allow the customer to cancel their locked care order when they did not receive any fills yet, and the execution broker will absorb those fills. Because of the impacts of this action, we now explicitly warn the trader with a confirmation dialog so they can acknowledge that they do want to perform this action. (Ref 156234) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Blocktrader now prevents submitting OTC orders on spreads and strategies on HKEX, JPX and TFEX in accordance with exchange rules. (Ref 156232) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Fixes |
Order Entry |
Fixed the visibility of the Order Profile drop-down control in Autospreader Multi-Account configuration when there is only only profile. (Ref 156225) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
Orders |
The order in the Allocation pane of the Orders and Fills Widget (OFW) now clears out once the order has been allocated and released. (Ref 156223) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Fixes |
Blocktrader |
Fixed a Blocktrader issue that prevented submitting Committed - 1 sided orders for Montreal (MX) spreads. (Ref 156222) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now copy the contents of individual cells (instead of the entire row) in grid-based widgets such as Order Book, Order and Fills widget (OFW), Fills widget and Audit Trail. While left click will continue to select an entire row, holding down Alt + Left click will select a single cell. Then you can right-click to select a new menu item "Copy" that copies the cell contents. Alternatively, holding down Alt + Right click will select a single cell and simultaneously open the right-click menu so you can select the "Copy" menu item for that cell's contents. (Ref 156197) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed an issue that prevented the Fills widget from correctly populating the TextTT value on some fills. (Ref 156195) |
08/29/2023 |
10/06/2023 |
Fixes |
General |
Fixed a serious issue that occurred while a workspace was open and an autoroll instrument did not correctly complete the roll update to the new instrument. Note that this situation should not happen when the workspace is freshly loaded for the new day. To avoid this situation in the future, when a workspace is open and running, instruments that are set to autoroll will now update on a market by market basis when the exchange reset time occurs. (Ref 152561) |
08/25/2023 |
08/25/2023 |
Fixes |
Market Data |
Fixed incorrect RIC codes for ICE MCG spreads. (Ref 157055) |
08/24/2023 |
Plan |
Orders |
ICE has announced that they will undergo an API upgrade during on 26th August 2023. (Ref 155864) |
08/14/2023 |
08/14/2023 |
Improvements |
TT Core SDK |
Exposed a field on the instrument to specify that quotes are delivered in yield and, as such, will be inverted. (v1.0.10.1) (Ref 156631) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Add ATDL boolean param for HKExSSEAlgoHandling add fixTag=16979 with default value=false (Ref 155828) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for tags EchoDC_1 thru EchoDC_20 tags to the NoSides group in AE, AR message types in preparation for support in future TT Order Connector releases. (Ref 155242) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for a new Premium Order Type parameter, tag 9302, 'DynamicEndTime', to the TT Schema. (Ref 155196) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added the following tags to TT FIX for use when defining an Autospreader instrument via FIX for a TT OMS Staged Order: (Ref 155195) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
TT Instrument ID will be included in tag 48 on Market Data Request Reject <Y> messages, when available. For example, tag 48 will be included if the instrument lookup succeeds but the request is rejected due to the instrument being marked inactive. (Ref 155194) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added the following fields to MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh messages when they are specified in the request messages and available in the TT price server for a given exchange. (Ref 155193) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for FIX 4.4 in FIX Session configuration when Initiator is enabled. (Ref 155191) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support tag 16130, Intent to Cross to D/G/AB/AC/8 message types. Applicable for certain exchanges when Intent To Cross is enabled on the TT account. (Ref 155190) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
ClearingAccountOverride (tag 16999) has been added to the NoSides group for TradeCaptureReport (AE) messages. (Ref 155188) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
When tag 18211, DeliveryTerm, is included on an order and is not equal to 'M', 'Y' or 'Q', then 'Day' must also be specified in tag 205 or tag 541. (Ref 155187) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added the following enum values to tag 1123, TradeHandlingIstr: (Ref 155186) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Tag 18220 is now included on all Drop Copy Messages when "Compliance Feed" is enabled. (Ref 155184) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added 'C', "EOM" as a new value for tags 18211, Delivery Term and 18212, LegDeliveryTerm. (Ref 155183) |
08/04/2023 |
09/01/2023 |
Plan |
FIX Services |
Limited production deployment of the v227 FIX Services began Aug. 4 and will be completed over the next 4 weeks. (Ref 155181) |