Added the ability to enable or disable professional features, such as Autospreader ® based on whether the user is configured for pro or non-pro. |
ExchangeOrderID for the Block trades now contains Reference ID that can be used to inquire Block trades. |
Added a column to the Position Window labeled AvgOpen that displays the average price of an open position for each contract row that has a non-zero position. |
Added an option to each grid that allows an admin to export the grid to CSV, xml, or json files. |
Where applicable, Setup now displays the Trader IDs and their status in a grid at the bottom of the Connections->Settings tab. Currently only Trader IDs for connections that that are owned by the company are displayed (status for Trader IDs on connections that are inherited because of a shared account are not displayed).
In addition to working orders, the Order Book now optionally displays closed orders, e.g., orders that were fully filled and orders that were partially filled and the balance of the order was cancelled. |
Added back the "5 min" time interval for the chart. |
Corrected point values for CME's ZW contracts. |