New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Production Start | Production Complete | Type | Component | Release Note |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The Order Ticket now provides ability to set position effect tags, e.g., Open/Close, Spread Switch, Trading Strategy, etc., for the various China markets based on their TT source. See our documentation for the tags supported by market and source. (Ref 144046) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Fills |
Improved the performance of grouping child fills into single parent orders when using the "By Order" mode in the Fills widget. (Ref 144044) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
You can now set Blocktrader the default counterparty for Eurex OTC trades using Order Tag Defaults in Setup. (Ref 144042) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Order Book now ensures that the user cannot exceed the quantity of a staged order by increasing the quantity of working native child orders, and also disables quantity controls for working grandchild orders, e.g., a child order of a TT Iceberg that was placed on the staged order. (Ref 144037) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Algos |
The TT front end application now supports individual user/account level permissions on globally deployed ADL algos created by TT. These algos no longer require permission for ADL. These algos will no longer be available in the front end unless permissioned in Setup. (Ref 144036) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Order Book |
Fixed an issue where Order Book row selections on filled or canceled orders were retained when switching tabs causing the price and quantity fields to populate incorrectly. (Ref 144033) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Audit Trail |
Fixed an issue in the Audit Query widget that prevented the "After" date/time filter from working properly. (Ref 144025) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed an issue in the Fills widget that prevented the "Today" date/time filter from working properly. (Ref 144024) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
To prevent excessive load on the Ledger database, the Audit Query widget now caps the total number of records per query at 50,000 records. If more information is needed, TT recommends adding query parameters to narrow the search focus or adjust the date/time range to request additional records using a new date/time range. Note that the total number of records will most likely never be exactly 50,000 due to the paging download mechanism and filtering out broken records. e.g., missing a timestamp. (Ref 144003) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed a Fills widget issue that can occur when using "Price with Detail" mode, where the first order ID will appear in the top summary row. This can cause confusion where that single order ID may appear to have more fills than it actually did have. Also when using multiple accounts, an order that was traded in a different account could appear in the summary row. This fix now displays the summary row order ID as blank, and in the case of multiple accounts the Account value in the summary row displays as three asterisks "***". Mouse hover over the Account field displays a comma separated list of the accounts at that price level. (Ref 143979) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed an issue in TT Desktop that caused local manual fills created in non-main child windows to double the fill quantities and the quantity and price values display blank until hovered over. (Ref 143978) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
General |
The Market Explorer now filters products at the Security Exchange level. This is most useful in China markets, where TT has multiple brokers contributing prices into TT for the same set of exchange products. This is also applicable to other exchanges such as ICE that have products on separate channels which may not be enabled. (Ref 143977) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
General |
Maintaining numerous minimized widgets in a workspace reduces the performance of the TT front end application. To help identify potential issues, when a workspace loads that contains more than ten (10) saved minimized widgets, a notification appears reminding of the performance impact, with a button to remove those widgets. Additionally, the main titlebar drop-down menus that appear on the small widget icons now provide a count of the number of minimized of that type with an "x" to quickly close the minimized widgets with one click. (Ref 143976) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Order Book |
Fixed an issue that prevented the Order Book from not displaying an AvgPrc of zero (0.0). (Ref 143974) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Fills |
Improved the performance of Ledger interactions by ensuring to download previous session fills only when necessary. (Ref 143973) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Order Entry |
Fixed the Order Ticket manual fill auto-adjustment of leg prices for UHU|BRN and UHO|BRN crack spreads. (Ref 143972) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The Order Entry ticket now supports adjusting the "Open/Close" tag when working multiple staged orders using the "Work with same order type..." feature. (Ref 143970) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Fills widget to not display all records when requesting fills from a previous date. (Ref 143966) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Order Book |
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Order Book to display TT Stop and TT If Touched orders with double their actual working quantity. (Ref 143965) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Blocktrader now supports Eurex "delayed reporting" via a checkbox option. (Ref 143958) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Fills |
Fixed an issue that caused local manual fills to not clear after the exchange session roll unless a refresh was performed to clear them out. (Ref 143952) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
General |
Fixed an issue where clicking on an alert did not bring up the Alert Viewer with details of that alert. (Ref 143947) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Blocktrader now only supports accounts enabled in Setup for "Submit Cross Orders" and/or "Submit Block Orders" respectively. (Ref 143941) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Positions |
Fixed an issue in the Position Manager where cloned Admin fills were not created correctly. (Ref 143929) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
We have significantly improved how the Audit Query widget interacts with the Ledger database when submitting and processing query requests, including interactions with the secondary storage database for historical queries beyond 10 days ago. (Ref 143919) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
The Audit Query widget now retains the date selected in the query parameters when editing the current query. (Ref 143918) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Blocktrader no longer includes CurveGlobal, NFX, OSE, and Nodal in the exchange drop-down list. (Ref 143916) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Orders |
The TT front end application now correctly handles orders that are restated by the exchange with "exec_type=EXEC_TYPE_RESTATED". (Ref 143914) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Currently In Market Grid when you right-click and "remove" a product subscription row, Market Grid never adds it back; it is hidden in that widget (tab) forever. In order to add that row back you must create a brand new Market Grid. To improve this situation, you can now filter the Contract column, similar to how the Exch and Type columns can be filtered. The filter dialog allows you to check row items on/off to show/hide in them in the grid while maintaining the product subscription. Additionally, the right-click "Remove" menu option on a row is now context sensitive based on whether the row is a direct subscription or part of a product subscription. On a direct row, the menu item displays as "Remove" and on a product row, the menu item displays as "Filter row" and launches the filter dialog. (Ref 143913) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Blocktrader now provides a "Coupon" edit box for reporting Eurex Exchange for Physical (EFP) orders. (Ref 143906) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Strategy Creation |
The Strategy Creation widget now enforces LME rules when creating custom carries, specifically: (1) The spread can only contain intra-product futures contracts. (2) The spread must have two legs with a ratio of 1 x -1. (3) The front leg must be a buy, and the back leg must be a sell. (4) The front leg must have an expiration date earlier than the back leg. (Ref 143905) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Market Grid now has an optional setting named: "Auto sort rows on reload". Default = OFF. This is a widget level setting and applies to all tabs within a multi-tabbed Market Grid. When checked, upon workspace open or refresh, Market Grid rows will display similar to when a new Market Grid is opened via Market Explorer. User row repositioning will be lost. When unchecked, Market Grid will not sort upon load and user row repositioning will be maintained. (Ref 143904) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
General |
Date and Time column filters now include a "Yesterday" checkbox option. Note that weekends are excluded, so when this filter is applied on a Monday, the filter will apply for the previous Friday's date. (Ref 143903) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
You can now filter on the columns in the Audit Query widget, which filters the dataset that is already retrieved from Ledger and does not clear the current results nor initiate a new Ledger request. Similar to other grid-based widgets, filters can be applied in two methods: (1) Click the down caret on the right side of the column header to launch a drop-down list of filterable items, or (2) Double click on a cell value to apply that value as a filter. (Ref 143901) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Settings |
The current default value for the "Maximum order quantity" configuration option is 100. This has prevented new users from placing large orders and then creating support tickets about the rejects. To improve the situation, the Order Profile max qty value and the MD Trader max qty value now support a blank value. (currently it can't be empty in either place). The default value is now set to empty. New MD Traders will pick up that blank value when they are opened. These changes only apply for new users. Existing users are not affected. (Ref 143897) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Market Grid |
Fixed an issue that prevented Market Grid from not always displaying all rolling contracts. (Ref 143895) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Blocktrader |
Intent to Cross (ITC) submission status (success or reject) is now displayed in Blocktrader and Audit Trail. (Ref 143894) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) maintains a daily "Ban" list of derivative contracts that have crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit, and stipulates that clients/members trading in those contracts may only decrease their positions through offsetting positions. To help manage this regulation, TT now displays a yellow banner on the Order Entry ticket prior to submitting a new order on a banned contract. A similar yellow banner displays in the Order Book when the user attempts to increase the quantity of a working order on a banned contract. (Ref 143877) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Audit Trail |
The Audit Trail and Audit Query widget now allow you to display the existing Exchange date and time column values as either local workstation time or as UTC time. This feature is available as a right-click setting named "Display Exch Date/Time values in the timezone of the exchange". We have also added two new optional columns of "UTC Date" and "UTC Time" that always display date/time values as UTC time. (Ref 143876) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Settings |
You can now search Order Profile drop-down lists using either a "Contains" or "Starts with" style of search. The search style is set in the global preferences "Orders" page. The default style is "Contains". (Ref 143875) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Positions |
Fixed the Position Matrix columns to correctly sort left to right by the Term contract month name. Previously the columns were sorted by expiration date. That worked most of the time, but particularly in energy contracts, the month names do not always coincide with when the contract expires. (Ref 143874) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Audit Trail |
Fixed Audit Trail filtering on 'News'. (Ref 143869) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Fixes |
Time & Sales |
Fixed an issue in Time and Sales where historical data is enabled, when filtering on both quantity and type, the historical data did not filter correctly. (Ref 138038) |
09/26/2022 |
10/18/2022 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Order Book now removes rejected parent orders upon receipt of the rejections. Previously if the TT algo server rejected a new parent order, the algo server would send a cancel execution report instead of a rejection. The TT algo server now sends a rejection, however the TT front end left the order in its book as stale and could not be deleted because the backend components had removed it from their books. Refreshing the front end was required to clear the order. This release rectifies that behavior. (Ref 138036) |
09/23/2022 |
09/23/2022 |
Fixes |
General |
The reconcile file contains a list of files delivered to customers each day. A bug was causing the names of the files to be incorrect and no files were being produced for Saturday. Once this issue is fixed there will no longer be gap in the dates of reconciliation files delivered to the EFT server. (Ref 144223) |
09/23/2022 |
09/23/2022 |
Improvements |
General |
ICE has modified their Electronic Audit Trail format to include four new columns: (Ref 144007) |
09/22/2022 |
09/22/2022 |
Fixes |
TT Core SDK |
Fixed an issue that resulted in a token revoke message. (v1.0.6.3) (Ref 145281) |
09/22/2022 |
09/22/2022 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue which resulted in the HandleAlerts method throwing an exception due to an improperly creating the Alert dictionary. (v3.1.3.4) (Ref 145279) |
09/16/2022 |
09/23/2022 |
Fixes |
General |
The CME Audit Trail will no longer populate the Remaining Quantity column on pending change messages. CME's Audit Trail specification never required this field to be populated. However, since the TT system has the data it was being included. (Ref 141931) |
09/12/2022 |
Improvements |
Orders |
To ensure correct support for JPX Holiday Trading, as well as the exchange's "System Reboot" revisions to disaster recovery, all Order Connectors (OCs) in UAT and Production have been upgraded to the latest JPX OC version. (Ref 144818) |
09/01/2022 |
09/01/2022 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue that resulted in an exception when an export value is processed for an algo that has been terminated. (v3.1.3.3) (Ref 144469) |