

Company Level Settings

As an administrator, use the Preferences section on the Company Settings | Settings tab to control TT functionality at the company level.

This section includes the following settings:

  • Default account limits to 0 when "Not Set" — Sets all unspecified risk limits to a value of "0" in the TT system. This setting is unchecked by default and TT views unspecified risk limits for users, parent accounts, and child sub-accounts as "Not Set". When this setting is enabled, all user and account risk limits on the Users | Limits and Accounts | Limits tabs are set to "0" in the TT system for your company when values are unspecified on these tabs.
  • Enable Algo Risk Checks — Enables additional risk checks for all accounts in your company. When enabled, you can configure algo risk settings for Autospreader and TT Order type parent orders on a per account basis.
  • Advanced Risk — Allows advanced risk checks for your company. When enabled, you can then configure near/far price reasonability settings and configure market depth checks for all products on a per account basis. After enabling the advanced risk checks, the near/far price reasonability settings can be configured as part of the account position limits settings.
  • Generate Synthetic Leg Fills — Allows TT Order Types to create and send synthetic leg fills to users in your company. When disabled (unchecked), exchange native outright and spread fills, as well as synthetic parent and spread parent order fills are sent to users in your company. When this setting is enabled, the TT Order Type also generates and sends fills for each leg of the synthetic spread parent order. This setting is enabled by default.
    Note: If Send Staged / Synthetic Child order / fill messages is enabled on a FIX Order Routing or Drop Copy session, synthetic leg fills will not be sent to the client unless Generate Synthetic Leg Fills is enabled at the company level.