

Setting all unspecified limits to "0"

At the company level, you can set all unspecified risk limits to a value of "0" in the TT system using the Default account limits to 0 when "Not Set" setting on the Company Settings | Settings | Profile tab. This setting is unchecked by default and TT views unspecified risk limits for users, parent accounts, and child sub-accounts as "Not Set".

When this setting is enabled, all user and account risk limits on the Users | Limits and Accounts | Limits tabs are set to "0" in the TT system for your company when values are unspecified on these tabs. For example, if Max order quantity is unspecified for a product limit on the Accounts | Limits tab, a value of "0" is set for this limit in the TT system if Default account limits to 0 when "Not Set" is enabled for your company.

To set all unspecified limits to "0":

  1. Click Company Settings | Settings | Profile in the left navigation panel.
  2. Check the Default account limits to 0 when "Not Set" checkbox and click Save.

    Any unspecified user and account risk limits are now stored with a value of "0" in the TT system for your company.