TT OMS supports order passing, which allows traders to pass the visibility and management of open, working orders to another trader or group of traders. Passing an order to another user group ensures the order is executed and managed correctly while not being watched by the originator of the order.
As a company administrator, use the User Groups screen to create and assign users to order passing groups.
When setting up order passing groups in TT, consider the following:
TT recommends assigning a user to a single order passing group. However, in some cases, a user may need to be assigned to multiple order passing groups. For example, a firm with both a “Day Desk” and a “Night Desk” may want a single user, such as a senior trader, to be in both groups.
When a user is assigned to multiple order passing groups, set one of the groups as their "default" group on the Users | Settings tab.
When a user passes an order, it's automatically passed from their default group. If they pass an order that has already been passed to and accepted by one of their groups, then the order is passed from that particular group.