Configuring a FIX Order Gateway connection
Note: Before you begin configuring a third-party connection, please contact the TT Onboarding Group at
Use the Connections tab to add and configure a FIX Order Gateway connection to a third party system or algo provider.
The third party or algo provider may also require user or account identification for routing orders to their system. If needed, you can select Accounts | Exchanges | FIX Order Gateway or Users | Exchanges | FIX Order Gateway to configure the necessary fields per account and user. These fields will map to the FIX tags sent to the exchange via the FIX Order Gateway.
To configure a FIX Order Gateway connection:
- Click Connections in the left navigation pane and click New Connection.
In the General Settings section, select a FIX Order Gateway connection type in the Type field.
- (Private Bank 1) — The name of the private bank destination for accessing and executing algos and submitting native orders.
In the Exchange Specific Settings section, configure the following:
- Primary IP — Sets the primary IP address for connecting the order session to the algo provider.
- Primary Port — Sets the primary port for connecting the order session to the algo provider.
- Sender Comp — Identifies TT in FIX Tag 49 in all outbound messages sent via the connection. Required for connecting the session.
- Target Comp — Identifies the algo provider in FIX Tag 56 in all inbound messages sent via the connection. Required for connecting the session.
- Password — A user password for logging in the session to the algo provider.
- Restrict To Markets — Restrict access to only the selected markets. Click in the field to scroll through and select an exchange. Click
+ to add markets. Click X next to each field to remove a market.
- Max Order Rate (orders/sec) — (Additional Settings section:) Sets the maximum number of orders per second that a user can enter per connection. This limit cannot exceed the exchange-defined order rate maximum. This field is optional.
- Click Save Changes.
Configuring a FIX Order Gateway account
- Click Accounts in the left navigation pane and select an account in the data grid.
- Click Exchanges | FIX Order Gateway.
The "Exchange Properties" section is displayed.
- Configure the following fields:
Note: The FIX Order Gateway account fields can also be configured as Order Tag Defaults.
- Click Save Changes.
Configuring a FIX Order Gateway user
- Click Users in the left navigation pane and select a user in the data grid.
- Click Exchanges | FIX Order Gateway.
The "Order Routing" tab is displayed.
- Configure the following fields:
- Operator ID — Identifies the user on order actions sent to the exchange via the third party system. Sent to the exchange as FIX Tag 50. Enter a user-defined value of up to 20 characters. This is a required field.
- Self Match Prevention — Sets the identifier for using an exchange's self match prevention service. Enter the "SMP ID" provided or registered by the exchange. Sent to the exchange as FIX Tag 7928. This field supports up to 12 characters.
- Text A — A user-defined text field that is mapped to FIX Tag 16556 and sent to the exchange on each order action. This is a required field for third party connections.
- Text B — A user-defined text field that is mapped to FIX Tag 16557 and sent to the exchange on each order action. This is a required field for third party connections.
- Text B — A user-defined text field that is mapped to FIX Tag 16558 and sent to the exchange on each order action. This is a required field for third party connections.
- Max Order Rate — Sets the maximum number of orders per second that a user can enter per connection. This limit cannot exceed the exchange-defined order rate maximum.
Note: The FIX Order Gateway user fields can also be configured as Order Tag Defaults.
- Click Save Changes.