Account Administrators
Managing order tag defaults as an account administrator
As an account administrator, you can add and assign order tag defaults to the accounts you are managing. Order tag defaults are added for specific key field combinations per profile. When creating a profile for a specific exchange, all user and account configurable fields for that exchange are displayed and can be configured at the same time.
Note: The Manage Order Tags account administrator checkbox must be checked to perform these tasks.
To add order tag defaults as an account administrator:
- Click More | Order Tag Defaults | OTD List tab in the left navigation panel.
- Select a company to load order tag defaults in the data grid.
- Click the + New Order Tag Default button at the top of the screen.
Configure the following settings on the new Order Tag Defaults screen to view the exchange fields.
- Profile — Select the name of a profile for a specific customer or click Add New to add a profile name. If your company administrator assigned profiles to order tag defaults with an account you are managing, you can select and create new order tag defaults for those profiles. Default profiles are not displayed.
- Account — Select an account. The list of accounts you are managing is displayed.
- Exchange — Select an exchange. This field populates automatically if a specific product is selected in the Product field.
- Configure the following key fields as needed.
Note: For each key field, the default setting is "*", which applies the Field and Value settings to all available options for that field.
- Algo Type — Select a TT algo (e.g., Autospreader), or select "3rd Party" to configure overrides on exchange-specific user or account fields for each TT Synthetic order type, custom algo, or bank algo.
If you select "ADL" or "TT Synthetic", you can select an ADL algo or TT order type in the Algo Name field.
Note: The "TT SDK" algo type refers to TT Algo SDK and does not apply to .NET SDK trading applications. Order tag defaults for .NET SDK trading applications must not be associated with an Algo Type.
- Algo Name — If the Algo Type is "ADL", select an ADL algo that was deployed in your company. Algos in the drop-down menu also appear on the Algos tab in the left navigation panel.
If the Algo Type is "TT Synthetic", select a TT order type.
This field is grayed-out unless "ADL" or "TT Synthetic" is selected in the Algo Type field.
- User — Select a user. As an account administrator, you can view only users you have access to. If “Restrict to User Groups” is checked, the User list only shows users in the user group. Users shared with your company are not listed.
- Exchange Product Group — Select a product group. The list of product groups varies by exchange. The default setting is "*" for all product groups. This field populates automatically if a specific product is selected in the Product field.
- Product Type — Select a product type.
- Product — Select a product. When a product is selected, the product name is displayed as well as an option to select "All" products.
In the Fields section, configure the parameters in the following columns.
- Field — Select which exchange fields to add to the profile. Fields are displayed based on the Exchange selected. MiFID II tags can be selected in this field.
- Value — Click a value for the selected field (e.g., a Short Code for the Execution Decision ID field as required by the selected exchange).
The parameter values will be applied to an order based on the key fields and specific exchange.
- Apply to all sub-accounts — Allows a company creating a sub-account or sharing an account with another company to apply the parent account exchange field to the sub-account. This ensures that any sub-accounts added to the shared parent account cannot have a different value in this field and that the value is sent to the exchange. Check the checkbox next to each field to apply its value as needed. When checked, the value cannot be changed on any sub-accounts added by your company or a shared company.
- Client Can Override — Determines if a user can override the value in this field when submitting orders from trading applications or APIs. Check the check box to unlock the field and allow a user to override the value. When unchecked, the field is locked and the user cannot change it.
Note: The Client Can Override setting appears only when the Clearing Account field is selected and is checked by default.
Click Save.
The Order Tag Defaults are added as a profile in the data grid.
Tip: To add multiple profiles that reuse most of the same settings, change one or more of the settings for the saved profile then click Save and Add New. Repeat for each additional profile as needed.
Verifying order tag defaults
The order tag defaults search option provides the ability to view and validate which order routing values are sent to an exchange per product for the accounts you are managing.
Click More | Order Tag Defaults | OTD Verification in the left navigation pane and click the OTD Search button above the data grid. Select values for each of the following key fields; Profile, Algo Type, Algo Name, Account, User, and Product. When you click Search, the Results section shows all default fields and values that are applied to an order based on the search criteria.
Note: If your company administrator assigned profiles to order tag defaults with an account you are managing, you can also select and view order tag defaults for those profiles.