Component: <Standard Header>
Y |
35=AC (MsgType) For additional information about this
component group, consult the full
37 |
OrderId |
C |
string |
Internal TT order key assigned to all orders submitted through any TT software. The value
remains constant for the life of an order.
Condition: Must include either Tag 37 (OrderID) or Tag 41 (OrigClOrdID)
> 18218 |
TTCustomerName |
C |
String |
The Order Profile applied to the TT account.
Can be used by FIX clients to specify the User Setup Order Profile name to be applied to a
new order / change order message.
If the successful lookup includes an Order Profile, the
profile name is copied to Tag 18218, TT Customer Name.
16116 |
C |
int |
TT order ID
This tag is populated with the regular TT order ID when a shortened ID is sent in tag 37
Condition: Sent only when the Send and receive Order ID values in short form
setting is enabled for the FIX session in the Setup application.
41 |
OrigClOrdId |
Y |
string |
Original order ID. Equal to the current value of Tag 11 (ClOrdID) of the order that this
message modifies.
Note: Tag 11 (ClOrdID) of an order can change over time.
11 |
ClOrdID |
Y |
String |
New ID for the canceled order. This value must be unique since the TT FIX session reset.
1 |
Account |
Y |
String |
Order-routing account
60 |
TransactTime |
N |
UTCTimestamp |
Time, in UTC, the transaction occurred with microsecond precision.
For example:
- Millisecond precision: 60=20170509-22:34:56.881
- Microsecond precision: 60=20170509-22:34:56.881321
Note: This tag is valid only in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the
Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution
reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
207 |
SecurityExchange |
C |
Exchange |
Name of the market where the instrument trades.
TT FIX uses this value to identify the exchange that offers the security.
Possible values include:
- B3
- BitMEX
- BrokerTec
- CboeFX_SW_NY
- Coinbase
- CoinFLEX
- CurveGlobal
- Eurex
- Euronext
- Fenics
- MX
- MX
Condition: Required only when price conversion based on symbol
mappings is needed.
Note: Sent for drop copy order messages, with Tag 16566
(DropCopyOrder) = Y.
100 |
ExDestination |
C |
Exchange |
Market Identifier Code (MIC) of the sub-market where the instrument trades.
Execution destination for the order as defined by the institution
Some traders use this tag in place of Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) to identify the exchange.
ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes.
Condition: Sent for drop copy order messages, with Tag 16566
(DropCopyOrder) = Y.
167 |
SecurityType |
C |
String |
Asset class of the instrument.
Possible values include:
- CS: common stock
- CUR: currency
- FOR: Spot FX
- FUT: future
- MLEG: multi-leg
- NDF: Non-Deliverable Forwards
- NONE: No security type (Not valid for 35=c, e or V)
- OPT: option
- SPOT: EEX spot products
- TBOND: treasury bond
- INDEX: index
Condition: Required only when price conversion based on symbol
mappings is needed.
55 |
Symbol |
C |
String |
Exchange-provided product symbol for the tradable product.
When tag 54 (Side) is B or C, set 55=NA; the values in tag 600 (LegSymbol) and tag 624
(LegSide) in the LegInstrument
group are used instead.
Condition: Required only when price conversion based on symbol
mappings is needed.
18009 |
TradingStrategy |
C |
Defines the type of trading strategy for the order.
Supports the following values:
- 10: HEDGE
Note: Only applies to products on Chinese markets that are traded through a
certain 3rd-party execution gateway.
18010 |
ReverseSpreadOC |
C |
Sets whether to reverse the spread on open/close.
Supports the following values:
- 0 : Do not reverse open close flag on far leg
- 1:Reverse spread open close flag on far leg
Note: Only applies to products on Chinese markets that are traded through a
certain 3rd-party execution gateway.
Component: <SecurityAltIDGrp>
N |
Instrument associated with this message. For additional information about this component group, consult the full documentation.
Component: <LegInstrumentGrp>
C |
Group |
Repeating group of legs in a multileg instrument
The leg instrument group component block uses the same structure as the
instrument component block sent from TT FIX to FIX clients, except that
all of its tags represent the legs of an exchange-traded strategy. For
example, instead of Tag 55 (Symbol) this block contains Tag 600
Condition: Required when the value of tag 167 (SecurityType) is MLEG for
New Order Single (D)
Order Cancel/Replace Request (G)
Note: This tag can be included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
555 |
NoLegs |
Y |
String |
Number of legs in the repeating group
Can be zero (e.g. standardized multileg instrument such as an Option
strategy). The value must be provided even if zero.
> 616 |
LegSecurityExchange |
C |
Exchange |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's SecurityExchange.
Possible values include:
- B3
- BitMEX
- BrokerTec
- CboeFX_SW_NY
- Coinbase
- CoinFLEX
- CurveGlobal
- Eurex
- Euronext
- Fenics
- MX
- MX
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 602 (LegSecurityId) are
OR |
> 18100 |
LegExDestination |
C |
Exchange |
Execution destination for the leg order as defined by the institution
Some traders use this tag in place of Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) to
identify the exchange.
ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes.
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 616 (LegSecurityExchange) and Tag 602 (LegSecurityId) are
OR |
> 602 |
LegSecurityId |
C |
String |
TT security ID that uniquely identifies the instrument in the TT
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 616 (LegSecurityExchange)
are absent.
Note: The combination of this tag and tag 603
(LegSecurityIDSource) must uniquely identify an instrument in the TT
> 603 |
LegIDSource |
C |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's SecurityIDSource.
Condition: Required when Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 616
(LegSecurityExchange) are absent.
Note: The combination of this tag and tag 602
(LegSecurityId) must uniquely identify an instrument in the TT
> 600 |
LegSymbol |
N |
String |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's Symbol.
Condition: Required when Tag 167 (SecurityType)=MLEG.
See Symbol (55) field for description.
Note: Users can map the value of Tag 600 to a
different symbology using the Symbol Mapping feature in User Setup.
Refer to the
Fix Rules
and Symbol Mappings
section in the User Setup Help for more information.
> 608 |
LegCFICode |
N |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's CFICode (tag 461).
See CFICode (461) field for description
> 620 |
LegSecurityDesc |
N |
String |
Leg security description.
> 607 |
LegProduct |
N |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's product.
Possible values include:
- 1: Agency
- 2: Commodity
- 3: Corporate
- 4: Currency
- 5: Equity
- 6: Government
- 7: Index
- 8: Loan
- 9: Money market
- 10: Mortgage
- 11: Municipal
- 12: Other
- 13: Financing
- 14: Energy
> 609 |
LegSecurityType |
N |
String |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's SecurityType.
Possible values include:
- FUT: Future
- MLEG: Multi-leg
- OPT: Option
- SPOT: EEX spot products
- TBOND: Treasury bond
- CS: Common stock
- NONE: No security type (Not valid for 35=c, e or V)
> 764 |
LegSecuritySubType |
N |
String |
SecuritySubType of the leg instrument.
See SecuritySubType (762) field for description
> 610 |
LegMaturityMonthYear |
N |
MonthYear |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityMonthYear
> 611 |
LegMaturityDate |
N |
LocalMktDate |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityDate.
> 18314 |
LegMaturityDay |
N |
DayOfMonth |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityDay.
> 612 |
LegStrikePrice |
N |
Price |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's StrikePrice.
> 1358 |
LegPutOrCall |
C |
int |
Whether the option represents a put or call
Possible values include:
Condition: Required when Tag 609 (LegSecurityType) is
> 624 |
LegSide |
N |
char |
The side of this individual leg (multi-leg security).
Possible values include:
- 1: Buy
- 2: Sell
- 3: Buy minus
- 4: Sell plus
- 5: Sell short
- 6: Sell short exempt
- 7: Undisclosed
- 8: Cross
- 9: Cross short
> 623 |
LegRatioQty |
N |
Qty |
Ratio of quantity for this individual leg relative to the entire
multi-leg security
The value represents one of the following:
For a leg of a covered strategy (such as a volatility trade) on CME
or NYSE_Liffe markets, the value represents the delta (expressed as
an integer between 1 and 100).
In all other cases, the value represents the quantity of this leg in
the strategy.
> 556 |
LegCurrency |
N |
Currency |
Currency associated with a particular leg's price
> 561 |
Roundlot |
N |
Qty |
The trading lot size of a security.
> 566 |
LegPrice |
N |
Price |
Price of the leg for a multi-leg instrument
> 687 |
LegQty |
N |
Qty |
Quantity of this leg.
> 654 |
LegRefID |
N |
string |
Unique indicator for a specific leg.
Note: Sent only for FIX 4.4 sessions when the tag is
included the corresponding
New Order
Multileg (AB)
request. FIX 4.4 Drop Copy sessions will not send this tag for orders
placed from the TT Trade application.
> 637 |
LegLastPx |
N |
Price |
Execution price assigned to a leg of a multileg instrument.
> 18224 |
LegContractYearMonth |
N |
char |
Contract term of the underlying instrument in the form, YYYYMMM
> 18212 |
LegDeliveryTerm |
C |
char |
Term of delivery for the underlying instrument.
TT FIX uses this value to identify contracts that do not have a
monthly delivery term.
Possible values include:
- A: Same day
- B: Balance of month
- C: End of Month
- D: Day
- E: Weekly
- H: Hour
- L: Balance of week
- M: Month
- N: Next day
- P: Pack
- Q: Quarterly
- S: Seasonal
- T: Weekend
- V: Variable
- W: Week
- X: Custom
- Y: Year
Condition: Required when both of the following are true:
- The Security Definition indicates it is required.
- The delivery term is not monthly.
> 18213 |
LegDeliveryDate |
C |
Date for contract delivery
Condition: Sent when available
> 1366 |
LegAllocID |
C |
String |
Identifier assigned to a leg of a multi-leg trade for ASX clearing
purposes (clearing deal number).
Condition: Sent when provided by the exchange.
> 16568 |
LegAvgPx |
C |
Price |
The average (mean) price for the legs of a spread.
This value will be populated on Summary Spread Fill Execution Reports.
16615 |
LegTTRoutingAccount |
N |
String |
TT Routing Account for the leg. Valid for routing synthetic spread orders only.
Note: TT Routing Account for the leg. Valid for routing synthetic spread orders only.
202 |
StrikePrice |
C |
Price |
Stirke price for an option
Condition: Required when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT and when price
conversion based on symbol
mappings is needed.
18 |
ExecInst |
C |
MultipleStringValue |
Order execution instructions
Possible values include:
- 2: Work (default)
- 6: Participate don't initiate
- G: All or none
- S: Suspend
o: Cancel on connection loss (valid only for
New Order Single (D)
New Order Multileg (AB)
- q: Release from suspension
- X: Test request
Note: If you submit multiple values that include an
unsupported value, TT FIX will choose the appropriate supported value.
To submit an updated order in “held” status, set this tag value to S. To
restart a held order, set this tag value to q.
Condition: Required when submitting a hold order
44 |
Price |
C |
Price |
Limit price for limit orders
Condition: Required when Tag 40 (OrdType) is:
99 |
StopPx |
C |
Price |
Trigger price for a stop order
Condition: Required when Tag 40 (OrdType) is:
- 3: Stop
- 4: Stop Limit
- K: Market With Leftover as Limit
38 |
OrderQty |
Y |
Qty |
Total order quantity
110 |
MinQty |
C |
Qty |
Minimum quantity for a Minimum Volume (MV) order
Condition: Required for Minimum Volume (MV) orders
1138 |
DisplayQty |
C |
Qty |
Sum of working quantities of child orders.
54 |
Side |
Y |
char |
Side of the order
Possible values include:
- 1: Buy
- 2: Sell
- 3: Buy minus
- 4: Sell plus
- 5: Sell short
- 6: Sell short exempt
- 7: Undisclosed
- 8: Cross
- 9: Cross short
- B: As Defined (FIX 4.4 only)
- C: Opposite (FIX 4.4 only)
Note: If 54=B or 54=C, the value in tag 55 (Symbol) is ignored. Instead, the
instrument and order side are determined by the tag 600 (LegSymbol) and tag 624 (LegSide)
values in the LegInstrument
40 |
OrdType |
Y |
char |
Order type
Possible values include:
- 1: Market
- 2: Limit
- 3: Stop
- 4: Stop Limit
- 5: Market On Close (MOC)
- 8: Cross Order
- B: Limit On Close (LOC)
- J: Market If Touched (MIT)
- K: Market with Leftover as Limit
- Q: Market Limit Market (MLM) with Leftover as Limit
- S: Stop Market to Limit
- T: Market to Limit (without Limit Price) If-Touched
- U: Market to Limit If Touched (MLM-IT)
- V: Market Close Today (reserved for future use)
- W: Limit Close Today (reserved for future use)
- p: Limit (post-only)
77 |
OpenClose |
N |
char |
Whether the order opens or closes a position
Possible values include:
- O: Open (default, if unspecified)
- C: Close
F: FIFO - first in, first out (currently supported only for specific exchanges
59 |
TimeInForce |
N |
char |
How long an order remains active
Possible values include:
- 0: Day (default, if not specified)
- 1: Good Till Cancel (GTC)
- 2: At The Opening (OPG)
- 3: Immediate or Cancel (IOC)
- 4: Fill Or Kill (FOK)
- 5: Good Till Crossing
- 6: Good Till Date
- 7: At the Close
- 8: Good through Crossing
- 9: At Crossing
- A: Auction
- S: Morning At the Close
- T: Afternoon At the Close
- U: Night At the Close
- V: Good in Session
- W: Day Plus
- X: Good Till Cancel Plus
- Y: Good Till Date Plus
Notes: CME supports Immediate or Cancel (IOC) and Fill Or Kill (FOK) using the same Time in Force value (Tag 59=3).
If a TT FIX client submits a CME IOC (Tag 59=3) with a MinQty (Tag 110), the order will be treated by CME as a FOK.
To send an IOC, the FIX client should omit tag 110 from TT FIX New Order message.
Note: Although the TT FIX schema includes the new 'At the Close' TIFs for OSE (59=S, 59=T, and 59=U), at this time these values can not be used through FIX Order Routing or Drop Copy services. However, these values will be fully integrated in a future release.
Please monitor the TT Release Notes for announcements as to availability of these TIFs.
Note: The "Plus" enums indicate that the TIF is available for the after hours (ATH) T + 1 session.
For more information about TIFs supported by exchanges, refer to Supported Order Types and TIFs in the Setup help.
432 |
ExpireDate |
C |
LocalMktDate |
Date a Good Till Date order expires
Condition: Required when Tag 59 (TimeInForce) = 6 (Good Till Date)
1028 |
ManualOrderIndicator |
N |
char |
Whether the order is sent manually or through automated trading logic.
Possible values include:
Default value is N if the tag is omitted.
1385 |
ContingencyType |
N |
int |
Type of contingency
Possible values include:
- 1: One Cancels the Other (OCO)
- 2: One Triggers Other (OTO)
- 3: One Updates the Other (OUO) - Absolute Quantity Reduction
- 4: One Updates the Other (OUO) - Proportional Quantity Reduction
142 |
SenderLocationId |
string |
Specific message originator's location (i.e. geographic location and/or desk, trader)
21 |
HandlInst |
C |
int |
Order handling instructions.
Possible values include:
- 1: Automated execution order, private, no broker intervention
- 2: Automated execution order, public, broker intervention OK
- 3: Staged order, broker intervention required
Condition: Required when submitting a staged order
1031 |
CustOrderHandlingInst |
C |
int |
Simplified Execution Source Code as defined by FIA. Identifies the execution method used for
Exchange Traded Derivative trades at point of origin, allowing executing and clearing
brokers to easily reference the appropriate brokerage rate for the execution method.
Possible values include:
- C: Vendor-provided Platform billed by Executing Broker
- G: Sponsored Access via Exchange API or FIX provided by Executing Broker
- H: Premium Algorithmic Trading Provider billed by Executing Broker
- D: Other, including Other-provided Screen
- W: Desk
- Y: Electronic (default)
Condition: If required by the exchange, this tag is also required. For more information,
consult the exchange documentation.
Note: This tag is also included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the
Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution
reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
16106 |
StagedOrderMsg |
N |
string, 256 character maximum |
Message text associated with the staged order.
Typically used to provide additional information to the broker responsible for managing the
Note: Valid only for staged orders (Tag 21 (HandlInst)=3)
58 |
Text |
N |
String |
Additional information for the person who works the order
16999 |
ClearingAccountOverride |
N |
String |
Overrides the clearing account defined in the Setup application for the user's account named
in Tag 1.
16556 |
TextA |
N |
String |
Value corresponding to the Text A field in TT widgets |
16557 |
TextB |
N |
String |
Value corresponding to the Text B field in TT widgets |
16558 |
TextTT |
N |
String |
Value corresponding to the Text TT field in TT widgets |
16559 |
TextC |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field not sent to exchange. |
16903 |
ChildTIF |
Y |
char |
Time-in-Force for the algo child orders
Possible values include:
- 0: Day (default, if not specified)
- 1: Good Till Cancel (GTC)
- 2: At The Opening (OPG)
- 3: Immediate or Cancel (IOC)
- 4: Fill Or Kill (FOK)
- 5: Good Till Crossing
- 6: Good Till Date
- 7: At the Close
- 8: Good through Crossing
- 9: At Crossing
- A: Auction
- S: Morning At the Close
- T: Afternoon At the Close
- U: Night At the Close
- V: Good in Session
- W: Day Plus
- X: Good Till Cancel Plus
- Y: Good Till Date Plus
Notes: CME supports Immediate or Cancel (IOC) and Fill Or Kill (FOK) using the same Time in Force value (Tag 59=3).
If a TT FIX client submits a CME IOC (Tag 59=3) with a MinQty (Tag 110), the order will be treated by CME as a FOK.
To send an IOC, the FIX client should omit tag 110 from TT FIX New Order message.
Note: Although the TT FIX schema includes the new 'At the Close' TIFs for OSE (59=S, 59=T, and 59=U), at this time these values can not be used through FIX Order Routing or Drop Copy services. However, these values will be fully integrated in a future release.
Please monitor the TT Release Notes for announcements as to availability of these TIFs.
Note: The "Plus" enums indicate that the TIF is available for the after hours (ATH) T + 1 session.
For more information about TIFs supported by exchanges, refer to Supported Order Types and TIFs in the Setup help.
Component: <StrategyParametersGrp>
Y |
Strategy parameter repeating group for TT Order types, user-defined ADL
algos, third-party algos, or informational fields.
For additional
information about this component group, consult the full
Component: <StrategyParametersGrp>
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Data type |
Comments |
957 |
NoStrategyParameters |
N |
NumInGroup |
Repeating group of parameters for the algo or the free-form text fields to attach to the order
> 958 |
StrategyParameterName |
C |
String |
Name of the algo parameter or free-form text field
For a list and descriptions of the parameter names TT uses to support TT Order Types, Autospreader and Aggregator orders, and Free-Form Text fields, refer to the Component: StrategyParametersGrp section of the TT FIX help.
For custom or third-party algos, the name must match the name specified by the algo.
Note In addition to names listed, TT uses the following reserved field names. These values must not be used when populating FIX Tag 958 (StrategyParameterName). TT strongly recommends clients use the individual tags as defined in the TT XML schema and shown below:
Condition: Required when tag 957 > 0
> 959 |
StrategyParameterType |
C |
Int |
Type of data contained in tag 960 (StrategyParameterValue)
Possible values include:
- 1: Int
- 6: Float
- 7: Qty
- 8: Price
- 13: Boolean
- 14: String
- 19: UTCTimestamp
Condition: Required when tag 957 > 0
> 960 |
StrategyParameterValue |
C |
String |
Value of the parameter or additional order information
Condition: Required when tag 957 > 0
Component: <TargetStrategy>
Y |
Alternative to the
repeating group for TT Order types, user-defined ADL algos, or third-party
Note: For informational fields (TextA and TextB), you
must use the
repeating group.
Note: For drop copy order messages, with
Tag 16566 (DropCopyOrder) = Y, this group is not
sent; the information is returned in the <StrategyParametersGrp>
For additional information about this component group, consult
the full
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Data type |
Comments |
16847 |
TargetStrategyName |
Y |
String |
Name of the TT order type
For TT order types, possible values include:
For custom algos, the name must match the one specified by the algo creator.
16848 |
TargetStrategyType |
Y |
String |
Source of the algo
Possible values include:
Currently, TT supports only 1 (TT Order type).
16901 |
BracketOrderType |
C |
int |
Order type for the parent order
Possible values include:
- 0: Limit
- 1: Stop Limit
- 2: Stop Market
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket.
Unused, otherwise.
16902 |
BracketStopLimitOffset |
N |
String |
Number of ticks away from the Stop price to submit a Limit order.
Optional when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket.
Unused, otherwise.
16903 |
ChildTIF |
Y |
string |
Time-in-Force for the algo child orders
Possible values include:
- 0: Day (default, if not specified)
- 1: Good Till Cancel (GTC)
- 2: At The Opening (OPG)
- 3: Immediate or Cancel (IOC)
- 4: Fill Or Kill (FOK)
- 5: Good Till Crossing
- 6: Good Till Date
- 7: At the Close
- 8: Good through Crossing
- 9: At Crossing
- A: Auction
- S: Morning At the Close
- T: Afternoon At the Close
- U: Night At the Close
- V: Good in Session
- W: Day Plus
- X: Good Till Cancel Plus
- Y: Good Till Date Plus
Notes: CME supports Immediate or Cancel (IOC) and Fill Or Kill (FOK) using the same Time in Force value (Tag 59=3).
If a TT FIX client submits a CME IOC (Tag 59=3) with a MinQty (Tag 110), the order will be treated by CME as a FOK.
To send an IOC, the FIX client should omit tag 110 from TT FIX New Order message.
Note: Although the TT FIX schema includes the new 'At the Close' TIFs for OSE (59=S, 59=T, and 59=U), at this time these values can not be used through FIX Order Routing or Drop Copy services. However, these values will be fully integrated in a future release.
Please monitor the TT Release Notes for announcements as to availability of these TIFs.
Note: The "Plus" enums indicate that the TIF is available for the after hours (ATH) T + 1 session.
For more information about TIFs supported by exchanges, refer to Supported Order Types and TIFs in the Setup help.
16904 |
DiscVal |
C |
int |
Amount of the total order quantity to disclose (1 to maxint)
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is:
Unused, otherwise.
16905 |
DiscValType |
C |
int |
What the DiscVal represents
Possible values include:
- 1: Absolute quantity
- 2: Percentage of the total order quantity
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is:
Unused, otherwise.
16906 |
ETimeAct |
N |
int |
Action to take for any unfilled balance when the End time is reached. Currently, the only supported
value is 1 (Cancel).
Optional for all TT Order types.
16907 |
Interval |
C |
int |
Length of the slice, in milliseconds
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Time_Sliced
Unused, otherwise.
16908 |
IsTrlTrg |
N |
String |
Indicates whether the trigger price trails the trigger price type by some number of ticks. Possible
values include: Y or N.
Unused when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is:
Optional, otherwise.
16909 |
LeftoverAction |
C |
int |
How to handle any existing unfilled order quantities when it is time to send the next portion.
Possible values include:
Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Time_Sliced
Unused, otherwise.
16910 |
LeftoverTicks |
N |
int |
Number of ticks to add or subtract from your Bid or Offer to determine the price of the limit order.
Optional when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Time_Sliced
Unused, otherwise.
16911 |
LimitPriceType |
C |
int |
Type of price for the ticks away offset.
Possible values include:
- 1: Bid
- 2: Ask
- 3: LTP
- 4: Trigger
- 6: Same side
- 7: Opposite side
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Trailing_Limit.
Optional, otherwise.
16912 |
LimitTicksAway |
C |
String |
Number of ticks away from the specified limit price to submit the order (-999 to 999)
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Trailing_Limit.
Optional, otherwise.
16913 |
OcoStopTriggerPrice |
N |
int |
Price at which to trigger the Stop Market or Stop Limit order.
Optional when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_OCO.
Unused, otherwise.
16914 |
ProfitTarget |
C |
int |
Initial price for the profit order in the OCO pair, as follows:
- Price = Entry Order Fill Price + Profit target setting, if the TT Bracket order was a bid.
- Price = Entry Order Fill Price - Profit target setting, if the TT Bracket order was an offer.
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket.
Unused, otherwise.
16915 |
StopLimitOffset |
C |
int |
Number of ticks away from the Stop price to submit a Limit order when the OCO Stop Limit order is
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket or TT_OCO.
Unused, otherwise.
16916 |
StopOrderType |
C |
int |
Order type of the stop-loss order. Possible values include:
- 1: Limit
- 2: Market
- 3: TT Stop
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket or TT_OCO.
Unused, otherwise.
16917 |
StopTarget |
C |
String |
Initial price for the stop loss order in the OCO pair, as follows:
- Price = Entry Order Fill Price + Stop loss setting, if the TT Bracket order was a bid.
- Price = Entry Order Fill Price - Stop loss setting, if the TT Bracket order was an offer.
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Bracket.
Unused, otherwise.
16918 |
TriggerPriceType |
C |
int |
Type of order trigger.
Possible values include:
- 1: Bid
- 2: Ask
- 3: LTP
- 6: Same side
- 7: Opposite side
Condition: Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_If_Touched or TT_Stop.
Optional when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Iceberg or TT_Time_Sliced.
Unused, otherwise.
16919 |
TriggerTicksAway |
N |
int |
Number of ticks away from the specified price to submit the child order
Unused when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Timed or TT_Trailing_Limit.
Optional, otherwise.
16920 |
TriggerType |
N |
int |
Price at which to trigger the order.
Possible values include:
Unused when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_Timed or TT_Trailing_Limit.
Optional, otherwise.
16921 |
WithATickType |
C |
int |
Whether the WAT threshold represents a specific quantity or a percentage of the order quantity.
Possible values include:
Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_With_A_Tick.
Optional, otherwise.
16922 |
WithATick |
N |
int |
WAT threshold quantity.
Required when tag 16847 (TargetStrategyName) is: TT_With_A_Tick.
Optional, otherwise.
16923 |
TriggerQtyType |
N |
int |
Type of quantity trigger. Possible values include:
16924 |
TriggerQtyCompare |
N |
int |
Test to use when comparing trigger quantities. Possible values include:
- 3: Less than or equal to
- 5: Greater than or equal to
16925 |
TriggerQty |
N |
int |
Quantity of the secondary trigger condition based on the executed quantity (if LTP) or the quantity
on the Bid or the Ask.
16926 |
TriggerLTPReset |
N |
Boolean |
Whether to reset the trade quantity counter back to zero, if the inside market backs away from the
trigger price.
Possible values include:
16927 |
TTStopLimitPriceType |
N |
int |
Type of price to use to the TT Stop child order
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16928 |
TTStopWithATickType |
N |
int |
Type of quantity to use for the With A Tick type specified in tag 16929 (TTStopWithATick).
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16929 |
TTStopWithATick |
N |
int |
Threshold for the With A Tick behavior that reprices the order one tick toward the market when
available quantity at the opposite inside market is at or below the specified quantity threshold
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16930 |
Payup |
N |
int |
Number of ticks from the specified price to submit the Limit order
16931 |
TTStopTriggerPriceType |
N |
int |
Type of trigger for the TT Stop order.
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16932 |
TTStopIsTrlTrigger |
N |
Boolean |
Whether the TT Stop order trigger price trails the trigger price type by some number of ticks.
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16933 |
TTStopTriggerTicksAway |
N |
int |
Number of ticks away from the specified price to submit the child orders of the TT Stop order
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16934 |
TTStopTriggerQtyType |
N |
int |
Type of quantity trigger for the TT Stop order.
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16935 |
TTStopTriggerQtyCompare |
N |
int |
Test to use when comparing TT Stop order trigger quantities.
Possible values include:
- 3: Less than or equal to
- 5: Greater than or equal to
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16936 |
TTStopTriggerQty |
N |
int |
Quantity of the secondary trigger condition based on the executed quantity (if LTP) or the quantity
on the Bid or the Ask.
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16937 |
TTStopTriggerLTPReset |
N |
Boolean |
Whether to reset the trade quantity counter back to zero, if the inside market backs away from the
trigger price.
Possible values include:
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16938 |
TTStopTriggeredOrderType |
N |
int |
Type of order to submit when triggered.
Possible values include:
- 1: Market
- 2: Limit
- 3: MLM
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16939 |
TTStopTriggeredOrderPrice |
N |
Price |
price for the TT Stop child Limit order.
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16941 |
TTStopPayup |
N |
int |
Number of ticks from the specified price to submit the Limit order. Positive values indicate towards
the market and negative values indicate away from the market.
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16942 |
RetryCount |
N |
int |
Number of times (0-32,000) to resend a rejected order.
16943 |
RetryInterval |
N |
int |
Number of milliseconds (0-100,000) between retry attempts.
Note: Used only for TT Bracket and TT OCO orders that submit a TT Stop order for the stop-loss order, with tag 16916 (StopOrderType) = 3 (TT Stop).
16944 |
Duration |
N |
int |
Number of time units (tag 19645) between each disclosed order portion of a TT Time Duration order.
16945 |
DurationBaseUnit |
N |
int |
Time unit to use for the duration (tag 16944) of a TT Time Duration order.
Possible values include:
- 1: Hour
- 2: Minute
- 3: Second
16946 |
DurationSTime |
N |
UTC_Timestamp |
Time to start submitting child orders of a TT Time Duration order.
16947 |
DurationETime |
N |
UTC_Timestamp |
Time to stop submitting child orders of a TT Time Duration order.
16948 |
LeftoverTimeAction |
N |
int |
When to execute the LeftoverAction (tag 16909) for an order interval.
Possible values include:
16949 |
AutoResubExpiredGTD |
N |
Boolean |
If any child orders are not completely filled by the session close, the exchange will expire the
child orders; when the market reopens, the parent order will then resubmit the child orders with the
same parameters as when they expired.
Possible values include:
16950 |
ParentTIF |
N |
int |
Time-in-force of a parent synthetic order.
Possible values include:
Note: If this value is omitted, the value of tag 59 (TimeInForce) will be assigned
to this tag. If tag 59 is also missing, the order will be rejected. If both tags are present, their
values must be identical.
16951 |
TTStopSecondConditionIsOn |
N |
Boolean |
Whether to require a secondary condition before triggering an order. The order is triggered only when
the initial and secondary conditions are both TRUE.
Possible values include:
16952 |
TTStopSecondTriggerPriceType |
N |
int |
Type of trigger for the second contion of at TT Stop or TT If-Touched order.
Possible values include:
- 1: Bid
- 2: Ask
- 3: LTP
- 6: Same side
- 7: Opposite side
16953 |
TTStopSecondConditionIsTrlTrg |
N |
Boolean |
Type of trigger for the second condition of at TT Stop or TT If-Touched order.
Possible values include:
16954 |
TTStopSecondTriggerTicksAway |
N |
int |
Number of ticks from the specified price to submit the child order, based on the specified Trigger
price. Positive values indicate towards the market and negative values indicate away from the
16955 |
TTStopSecondTriggerQtyType |
N |
int |
Type of quantity trigger for the secondary condition.
Possible values include:
16956 |
TTStopSecondTriggerQtyCompare |
N |
int |
Test to use when comparing trigger quantities. Possible values include:
Possible values include:
- 3: Less than or equal to
- 5: Greater than or equal to
16957 |
TTStopSecondTriggerQty |
N |
int |
Quantity of the secondary trigger condition based on the executed quantity (if LTP) or the quantity
on the Bid or the Ask.
16958 |
Variance |
N |
int |
Percentage (0-100) by which to vary the child order quantity.
16960 |
ETAGoToMktTicks |
N |
int |
Number of ticks into the market to submit an order for the remaining quantity when the tag 16906
(ETimeAct) is 2 (Go to Maerkt).
16961 |
WaitingOption |
N |
int |
When to start working the parent order.
Possible values include:
- 0: Now
- 1: Time
- 2: PreOpen
- 3: Open
Note: If this is 1, you must specify the start time in tag 168 (EffectiveTime).
17007 |
MaxDisp |
Y |
int |
The maximum size of a child order lot in relation to the total parent order quantity.
17008 |
TWAPStyle |
Y |
int |
Defines how the algorithm lays out the slices and execution options.
- Aggressive: Child orders are sent as market orders at the beginning of each slice. Child order quantities and time periods are uniform across each slice.
- Passive: A Limit Order is placed at the bid (for buys) / ask (for sells) at the beginning of each slice and then continuously repriced to follow the market.
- Default: Similar to the Passive style, a Limit Order is placed at the bid (for buys) / ask (for sells) at the beginning of each slice and then continuously repriced to follow the market.
17009 |
WouldIfPrc |
N |
Price |
The desired price threshold that will trigger TWAP to temporarily abandon its current slicing plan
and aggressively fill as much quantity as possible.
17010 |
LimitPrc |
N |
Price |
The highest price at which the user is willing to buy (when buying), or the lowest to sell (when
168 |
EffectiveTime |
N |
UTC_Timestamp |
Time to start working the order.
Note: Omit the tag to start working the order when submitted.
Optional for all TT Order types.
Some order types, such as TT Retry, support precision to the microsecond using a format
YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sssmmm, where mmm represents the microseconds portion of the
timestamp. When set, this precision is returned in the Execution Report.
126 |
ExpireTime |
N |
UTC_Timestamp |
Time to stop working the order.
Note: Omit the tag to work the order until the market closes (GTC).
Optional for all TT Order types.
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Data type |
Comments |
16847 |
TargetStrategyName |
Y |
String |
Name of the TT order type
For TT order types, possible values include:
For custom algos, the name must match the one specified by the algo creator.
16848 |
TargetStrategyType |
Y |
String |
Source of the algo
Possible values include:
40 |
OrdType |
C |
char |
Sets the order type for the parent order. Possible values for TT Premium Order /Types include:
- 1: Market
- 2: Limit
- 3: Stop Market
- 4: Stop Limit
99 |
StopPx |
C |
Price |
Trigger price for a stop order. Only required when Tag 40 (OrdType) equals:
- 3: Stop Market
- 4: Stop Limit
9103 |
MaxParticipation |
C |
Float |
Maximum Participation with relation to the eligible volume.
Note Algo engine manages percent conversions, e.g. for 20% the field should be set to '20' rather than '0.20'
9106 |
IWouldPrice |
N |
Float |
Price at which you would like to aggressively attempt to fill your order, regardless of the algorithm
Order aggressively tries to fill if the instrument reaches this price, irrespective of volume based
objectives. Should be lower than limit and arrival time ask prices for BUY orders, higher than limit
and arrival
time bid prices for SELL orders.
126 |
ExpireTime |
N |
UTC_Timestamp |
Time to stop working the order.
Note Omission of ExpireTime and DurationRCM will default to close of trading.
168 |
EffectiveTime |
N |
Time to start working the order.
Note: Omit to start working the order when submitted.
9111 |
Aggression |
N |
Influences how strongly to tilt order trajectory (TT Close, TT Brisk), how tightly to track max participation (TT
POV, TT Scale POV), or how tightly to follow an order schedule (TT TWAP+, TT VWAP+).
9112 |
TiltMode |
N |
Determines the methodology used to tilt away from the a normal Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)-based schedule
for TT Brisk and TT Close algos.
Possible values include:
Model Driven: Uses the instrument's liquidity and volatility profile to determine the strength of the tilt.
This setting results in the tilt, compared to a normal VWAP schedule, being more pronounced with higher
Aggression setting, higher instrument liquidity, higher instrument volatility, and longer order duration.
Simple: The strength of the tilt is determined by the Aggression level and applied as a simple, linear shift
vs a VWAP+ order trajectory. Higher Aggression levels will result in the order being shifted further away
from VWAP+.
9115 |
BriskLimitMode |
N |
Specifies whether the order should get more aggressive when opposite side quote price is at the limit price.
This setting can be used to manage fill rate risk, increasing the expected fill rate if the market is nearing the
limit price, at the cost of higher expected slippage on executed quantity.
Possible values include:
Default (off)
Aggressive More At Limit: When the opposite side quote price is equal to the limit price, the order will
monitor liquidity conditions tick by tick and send extra IOC (Immediate or Cancel) orders to
opportunistically take additional liquidity before the market runs away.
Faster Near Limit: (Mild, Medium, Strong): In addition to the above behavior, the order will dynamically
strengthen the tilt and trade faster as the market price approaches the limit price.
9117 |
BlockLimit |
N |
When calculating participation limits, all trades above this limit will be ignored.
Supports values 5-1,000,000.
9145 |
Tracking |
N |
Allows trader to select between trend following and reversionary behavior.
Supported values include:
- AP-Revert-Low
- AP-Revert-Med
- AP-Revert-High
- AP-Trend-Low
- AP-Trend-Med
- AP-Trend-High
9147 |
MinParticipation |
N |
Minimum participation with relation to the eligible volume.
Note Algo engine manages percent conversions, e.g. for 20% the field should be set to '20' rather than '0.20'
9190 |
IfTouchedPrice |
N |
Float |
Enables the flip side of Stop Price functionality: if present, a Buy/Sell order activates once the Last Traded
Price is less/greater than or equal to Trigger Price. Can be used in combination with Stop and
Stop Limit orders for One-Cancels-Other (OCO) type behavior, where an order activates when the market reaches
either a profit taking or stop loss price.
9191 |
PostTriggerDuration |
N |
The Post Trigger Duration in minutes. If set greater than 0, will adjust EndTime once market reaches Stop Price
or Trigger Price to earlier of EndTime or current time plus PostTrigger Duration minutes.
9200 |
SubStrategy |
N |
String |
Sets the underlying Premium Order Type behavior managing execution of the TT Splicer instrument.
9203 |
EndTimeOverride |
N |
String |
Overrides End Time, Duration, or the default with one of several values related to product hours.
Possible values include:
- 0: None
- 1: Last Session Close
- 2: Next Session Close
- 3: Settlement
9202 |
DurationRCM |
N |
Order duration from Start Time that sets the time allotted, in minutes, for an order to work in
the market. This may be specified as an alternative to setting a value for EndTime.
Note Omission of ExpireTime and DurationRCM will default to close of trading.
9203 |
EndTimeOverride |
N |
Overrides End Time, Duration, or the default with one of several values related to product hours.
Possible values include:
- 0: None
- 1: Last Session Close
- 2: Next Session Close
- 3: Settlement
9210 |
MaxShowRCM |
Y |
Maximum open display size per price level for TT Prowler orders.
9211 |
MinShow |
Y |
Minimum open display size per price level for TT Prowler orders. If Min Show remains blank or
set equal to 0, the order always displays the amount of order quantity set by Max Show.
9212 |
PassivePriceLevel |
N |
Allows optimal behavior to peg orders to passive price levels in the order book. If set to No
Pegging, child orders are sent at the full limit price. For other settings, the order will rest
passively priced child orders even if the limit price is marketable.
- No Pegging: Send at full limit price
- Primary Peg: Peg to the top quote.
- Second Level Peg: Peg to second book level.
- Third Level Peg: Peg to third book level.
- Primary Plus 1: Primary (passive) quote price, but improve the quote at 1 tick increments
on the first posted order.
- Primary Plus 2: Primary (passive) quote price, but improve the quote at 2 tick increments
on the first posted order.
- Primary Plus 3: Primary (passive) quote price, but improve the quote at 3 tick increments
on the first posted order.
Note: Required when Num Post Levels is changed from the default value.
9213 |
NumPostLevels |
N |
Specifies the number of price levels at which to post child orders when pegging.
When Passive Price Levels is set, additional resting orders may be set at subsequent price
levels in order to hold queue priority.
Note Can be set to greater than 0 with Passive Price Level set to No
Pegging (0). For example, you can statically layer child orders across n Num Post Levels to
split up a parent order quantity starting from your limit price without dynamic repricing due to Passive Price
Level logic.
Note Maximum value is 20.
9214 |
AverageDelay |
N |
Sets a random delay, in seconds, between sending new orders or
replacing existing child orders.
9215 |
IWouldQty |
N |
When set to any value greater than 0, I Would Qty setting equals the minimum top of book
quantity required before the order will cross the
9216 |
IWouldQtyPct |
N |
Similar to I Would Qty, but set as a percent of the order quantity.
Note : The field represents the number as a percent and should not be submitted as a decimal: a
value of 70 equals 70%.
9217 |
WithATickQty |
N |
Sets the size threshold to initiate aggressing orders to cross the spread and take liquidity when the opposing
quote size falls to or below the set value.
The order will cross the spread when aggressive quote size falls to or below the value set by With A
Tick Qty.
9218 |
WithATickQtyPct |
N |
Similar to With A Tick Qty, but expressed as a percent of the order quantity.
Note : The field represents the number as a percent and should not be submitted as a decimal: a
value of 70 equals 70%.
9219 |
CleanupPct |
N |
Specifies maximum percent of parent order quantity to cross the market with if a parent order is not yet complete
near the end time.
9220 |
PostTicksApart |
N |
Specifies how many minimum price increments apart to space passive orders resting across Num Post
9221 |
MaxSpreadCrossTicks |
N |
If greater than 0, an order will not cut or cross a bid-ask spread that is more than the specified amount wide.
Note This constraint takes precedence over I Would, With A Tick, Brisk Limit,
and Cleanup % behaviors.
9222 |
TacticalPeg |
N |
Boolean |
If enabled with Passive Price Level not set to No Pegging (0), avoids posting a
passive order at the top of book price level if the order book dynamics are unfavorable.
9225 |
IWouldQtyVariancePct |
N |
Randomizes the I Would Qty and I Would Qty % thresholds by a specified percent in
each direction.
Note This field represents the number as a percent and should not be submitted
as a decimal. For example, a value of
10 equals 10%.
For example, if I Would Qty equals 100 and I Would Qty Variance % equals 20, the
I Would Qty behavior will be
triggered based on available size being between 80-120, depending on randomized value selected within the variance
9302 |
DynamicEndTime |
N |
Note The value from this tag displays in the Dynamic Duration field in the MD Trader and Order Ticket widgets
For TT Close orders
Allows the algo to target a shorter trading horizon respective to its End Time. If selected, orders submitted may not begin placing child orders until nearer to the End Time. If not selected, parent orders will seek to utilize the full trading window as defined by the Start and End Times.
For TT Brisk orders
Allows the algo to target a shorter trading horizon respective to its Start Time. If selected, orders submitted may finish ahead of any defined End Time. If not selected, parent orders will seek to utilize the full trading window as defined by the Start and End Times.
9991 |
LegRiskAversion |
N |
Influences how long the algorithm will leave the parent order partially hedged after a new fill on one of the legs.
9992 |
HedgeDiscretionTicks |
N |
int |
Non-negative integer to give hedge orders allowance beyond inferred limit price in order to complete a hedge leg
528 |
OrderCapacity |
C |
char |
Designates the capacity of the firm placing the order. The value corresponds to the
Trading Capacity setting for Order Tag Defaults in Setup.
Possible values include:
- A: Agency (maps to [AOTC])
- G: Proprietary (maps to [AOTC])
- I: Individual (maps to [AOTC])
- P: Principal (maps to [DEAL])
- R: Riskless Principal (maps to [MTCH])
- W: Agent for Other Member (maps to [AOTC])
Condition: Required for exchanges subject to MiFID II regulations.
529 |
OrderRestriction |
C |
char |
Restrictions associated with an order. Sent when provided by the exchange. Currently, only
the NASDAQ EU market supports this field.
Valid values:
1: Program Trade
2: Index Arbitrage
3: Non-Index Arbitrage
4: Competing Market Maker
5: Acting as Market Maker or Specialist in the security
6: Acting as Market Maker or Specialist in the underlying security of a derivative security
7: Foreign Entity (of foreign government or regulatory jurisdiction)
8: External Market Participant
9: External Inter-connected Market Linkage
A: Riskless Arbitrage
B: Issuer Holding
C: Issuer Price Stabilization
Condition: Required for exchanges subject to MiFID II regulations.
18221 |
CompanyID |
N |
String |
TT-defined name of the firm that sent the message to the exchange
18223 |
ContractYearMonth |
N |
String |
Contract term in the form, YYYYMM
Condition: Sent when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is not MLEG
18227 |
Organization |
N |
String |
User-defined name of the trader's organization.
2404 |
ComplianceText |
C |
String |
ComplianceText (Tag 2404) is a free-form text field containing compliance information used for regulatory reporting. Tag 2404 is supported on all order, change, cancel and execution report messages.
ComplianceText (Tag 2404) is conditionally required for some orders in production for Eurex and EEX.
- If Trading Capacity is Proprietary (5) then ComplianceText (Tag 2404) is required
- If Trading Capacity is Agency (1), then ComplianceText (Tag 2404) is required when the user is an Exchange Trader acting for another exchange participant. It should not be sent when the user is a client of the Member (not an exchange trader).
Note: Orders will not be rejected by the exchange if this field is not populated.
Tag 2404 in the TT system behaves as follows:
- ComplianceText (Tag 2404) should include the following info: Member ID/ Trader ID combination, aka the MGT (for ex. ABCFRTRD001).
- ComplianceText (Tag 2404) will be set at the User level in a new field to be added in Setup, "Compliance Text".
- If ComplianceText (Tag 2404) is populated, TT will send it to the exchange in Tag 2404, if it is not populated, TT will not send the tag.
16566 |
DropCopyOrder |
C |
char |
Indicates the message is a drop copy order message (35=D,F or G) or a pending execution
report (35=8, 150=6, A or E). This tag is generated by TT FIX Adapter to provide a complete
audit trail for the order.
Condition: Sent only for Drop Copy FIX Adapter sessions with the Compliance Feed
(Send original order/cancle/change messsages and pending execution reports)
option is enabled in Setup. When sent, the value of this tag will always be
Note: FIX clients should not send this tag for incoming messages.
Component: <Parties Group>
N |
Information about the entities involved in the financial transaction
associated with this FIX message.
For additional information about this component group, consult
the full
Component: <OrderAttributesGrp>
Y |
Attributes associated with the order
Condition: Sent when available
For additional information about this component group, consult the full
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Data type |
Comments |
2593 |
NoOrderAttributes |
N |
int |
Number of order attributes in the repeating group
> 2594 |
OrderAttributeType |
C |
int |
Type of order attribute
Valid values include:
- 2: Liquidity provision activity order
- 3: Commodity Derivative Indicator (risk reduction) order
- 4: Algorithmic order
Condition: Required when OrderAttributeGrp (2593) is greater than 0.
> 2595 |
OrderAttributeValue |
C |
String |
Value of order attribute
Valid values include:
Condition: Required when OrderAttributeGrp (2593) is greater than 0.
16117 |
OrderSource |
N |
int |
TT component that most recently acted on an active order.
Possible values include:
- 0: ASE
- 2: NTW
- 3: Invalid
- 4: TT Trader
- 6: Mobile
- 7: ROE
- 9: External
- 10: TT FIX
- 11: Aggregator
- 12: Bouncer
- 13: Lambda Liquidator
- 14: External FIX Adapter
- 15: Prime ASE
- 16: Nimbus
- 17: ADL
- 18: TTSDK
- 19: TT Algo
- 20: ADL Prime
- 21: TTSDK Prime
- 22: TT Algo Prime
- 23: Chart
- 24: TTD
- 25: TTD Chart
- 26: TTINT
- 27: TT Admin
- 28: TT .NET API client
- 29: TT .NET API server
- 30: C++ API
- 31: TT Options Risk
- 32: External upload
- 33: Stager
- 34: TT Score
- 35: FIX Adapter Child Router
Note: This tag is valid only in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions
when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution
reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
7928 |
SelfMatchPreventionID |
N |
int |
Exchange-registered identifier that enables customers to prevent the matching of orders for
accounts with common ownership, even across different executing firms.
8000 |
SMPInstruction |
N |
int |
Instruction provided to the exchange as to whether to cancel the resting or incoming
(aggressing) order in the event of a self-match.
Possible values include:
- m: SMP Instruction type Not Match (ASX)
- B: SMP Instruction type cancel both
- d: SMP Instruction type decrement Leaves quantity only. Do not restate Order quantity (CBOE)
- D: SMP Instruction type decrement Order quantity and Leaves quantity of the larger order/Cancel smaller order (CBOE)
- e: SMP Instruction type market-wide
- M: SMP Instruction type match (ASX)
- N: SMP Instruction type cancel aggressor
- O: SMP Instruction type cancel resting
- S: SMP Instruction type cancel smallest order (CBOE)
This tag is valid only when tag 7928 (SelfMatchPreventionID) is also provided.
As per ASX 's Unintentional Crossing Prevention (UCP) rules, the exchange does not reject trades when a UCP match is detected.
- On ASX orders, Tag 8000 (SMPInstruction) is implicitly set to M, Match when a UCP ID value is provided in Tag 7928 (SelfMatchPreventionID).
- On ASX trades for such orders, the value in Tag 8000 (SMPInstruction) reflects whether a UCP match was detected or not by the ASX exchange.
16112 |
NoLinks |
C |
int |
Number of links contained in this repeating group
Condition: Sent only for FIX Drop Copy OUT sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled for the session in TT Setup. The tag is ignored if sent on FIX Order Routing sessions.
> 16113 |
LinkID |
C |
String |
An identifier used to distinguish that this is a child order or fill that came from an synthetic parent order. Child orders and fills that came from the same parent order will have the same LinkID.
Note: If the Send Staged / Synthetic Child order / fill message setting is enabled for the FIX session in the Setup application, this tag will contain a shortened ID.
Condition: Sent when tag 16112 > 0
> 16114 |
LinkType |
C |
char |
The kind of link. This identifies the relationship between the child orders and fills and the parent order.
Possible values include:
- 7: Staged child order ID
- P: Parent order ID
- X: Position transfer ID
- 8: Staged bulked child order ID
- 9: Staged stitched child order ID
- A: Staged split child order ID
- R: Root algo order ID
Note: When LinkType (Tag 16114) equals R, LinkID (Tag 16113) will contain the TT Order ID of the topmost parent order in the chain (e.g., parent/child/grandchild/etc.) of algo orders.
Condition: Sent when tag 16112 > 0
16601 |
EchoDC_01 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16602 |
EchoDC_02 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16603 |
EchoDC_03 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16604 |
EchoDC_04 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16605 |
EchoDC_05 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16606 |
EchoDC_06 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16607 |
EchoDC_07 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16608 |
EchoDC_08 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16609 |
EchoDC_09 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16610 |
EchoDC_10 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16631 |
EchoDC_11 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16632 |
EchoDC_12 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16633 |
EchoDC_13 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16634 |
EchoDC_14 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16635 |
EchoDC_15 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16636 |
EchoDC_16 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16637 |
EchoDC_17 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16638 |
EchoDC_18 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16639 |
EchoDC_19 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16640 |
EchoDC_20 |
N |
String |
Customer-defined text field visible only to FIX client applications. The value is not sent to the exchange.
16852 |
ParentVendorOrderID |
N |
String |
For internal TT use only
16853 |
ParentVendorUserID |
N |
String |
For internal TT use only
16854 |
ParentVendorAccountID |
N |
String |
For internal TT use only
16855 |
ParentVendorBrokerID |
N |
String |
For internal TT use only
16856 |
ParentVendorProfileID |
N |
String |
For internal TT use only
16130 |
IntentToCross |
N |
Boolean |
Required tag for compliance purposes that indicates whether or not the order is for a
pre-arranged transaction. Applicable when Intent
To Cross is enabled on the TT account.
Note Only applicable for the MX exchange.
Note Consult the MX exchange for information on how to
implement this tag.
18001 |
MockOrderFlag |
N |
int |
This optional tag is available in all order and execution report messages. In addition, these tags will not appear in any current messages in production and are reserved for future use.
- 0: Not a mock order.
- 1: A mock order.
864 |
NoEvents |
N |
NumInGroup |
Number of entries in the event types repeating group
> 865 |
EventType |
N |
int |
Type of event
Possible values include:
- 5: Expiry date
- 6: Last trading date
The following values are only available for EPEX:
- 13:First delivery date
- 14:Last delivery date
- 101: First trading date
- 102: SDAT first trading date
> 866 |
EventDate |
N |
Date the event occurred
> 1145 |
EventTime |
N |
Note: This tag is only available for EPEX.
Specific time of event. Use in combination with EventDate <866>.
Component: <Standard Trailer>
Y |
For additional information about this component group, consult the full