Order-routing message flows
Order-routing message flows
A FIX client starts an order-routing FIX session by sending a Logon (A) message to TT FIX and ends the session by calling the Logout (5) message. While connected to a FIX Order Routing session, a FIX client engages in a series of message conversations (requests and responses) with TT FIX to enter and manage orders. Typically, order-routing message conversations involve the following request and response messages.
Common message conversation flows
Flows for exchange-listed instruments
Flows for multi-leg instruments
Flows for synthetic orders
Flows for exchange-listed instruments
The following illustration shows how a new order for an exchange-listed instrument is typically entered into the market and how the subsequent responses and requests track the order's progress.

The order-routing message flow begins with a FIX client submitting a New Order Single (D) message that enters an order in the market.
When the exchange receives the New Order Single (D) request, it either:
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=0 to acknowledge the order is working in the market.
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=8 to indicate the exchange rejected the order request.
While the order is working in the market, the following messages flows can occur:
(3A) As the working order receives fills, the exchange sends either:
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=1 to indicate a fill occured for less than the total order quantity; the order continues to work in the market.
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=2 to indicate that a fill occurred for the total order quantity; the order flow is complete.
(3B) At any point while the order is working, you can cancel it by submitting an Order Cancel Request (F) message.
(4B) If the cancel request is accepted, the exchange sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=4 to indicate the order was canceled; the order flow is complete.
(4B) If the change request is rejected, the exchange sends an Order Cancel Reject (9) message; the existing order continues working in the market.
(3C) At any point while the order is working, you can change it by submitting an Order Cancel/Replace Request (G) message.
(4C) If the change request is accepted, the exchange sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=5 to indicate the existing order was replaced.
(4C) If the change request is rejected, the exchange sends an Order Cancel Reject (9) message; the existing order continues working in the market.
Flows for synthetic orders
The following illustration shows how a new order for a synthetic is typically entered into the market and how the subsequent responses and requests track the order's progress.

The order-routing message flow begins with a FIX client submitting a New Order Single (D) message that enters an order in the market.
When the exchange receives the New Order Single (D) request, it either:
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=0 to acknowledge the order is working in the market.
Sends an Execution Report (8) message with tag 150=8 to indicate the exchange rejected the order request.