Security Definition Request (c) Message
Security Definition Request (c) Message
Security Definition Request (c) Message
Used to request contract information
Message Direction
From a FIX client to the TT FIX
Tag Directory
Click the links below to navigate to the documentation for that tag.
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req’d |
Data type |
Comments |
Component: <Standard Header>
Y |
35=c (MsgType) For additional information about this
component group, consult the full
FIX Order Routing Strategy Creation/RFQ Tags
Y |
Additional tags to support strategy creation and request for quote functionality via the FIX Order Routing service. These tags are only included with Order Routing Security Definition Request (35=c) messages and do not appear in the FIX Market Data service.
For additional
information about strategy creation and request for quote functionality, consult the full
FIX Order Routing Strategy Creation/RFQ
Tag # |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Data type |
Comments |
1 |
Account |
C |
String |
Order-routing account
The value matches the Tag 1 (Account) in the corresponding request.
Note: Account names are stored as case-sensitive
strings. Users must match case-sensitivity when using Tag 1 (Account).
Condition: Sent when available.
Note: When the value represents an internal,
non-routing account, TT also sends a
with the external routing (parent) account in tag 448 (PartyID) and
with tag 452 (PartyRole) set to 24 (Customer
762 |
SecuritySubType |
N |
String |
Sub-type qualification or identification of the SecurityType
For example, an instrument with SecurityType(167)="MLEG" might use
this tag to specify the name of the option or futures strategy, such
as "Calendar", "Vertical", or "Butterfly".
For sythetic staged orders, i.e., HandlInst (21)=3 and
SecurityType(167)="Sythentic", the TT FIX engine checks whether the
instrument already exists and automatically creates the synthetic
spread if the instrument does not exist.
Note: This tag can be included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
555 |
NoLegs |
Y |
String |
Number of legs in the repeating group
Can be zero (e.g. standardized multileg instrument such as an Option
strategy). The value must be provided even if zero.
> 616 |
LegSecurityExchange |
C |
Exchange |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's SecurityExchange.
Possible values include:
- B3
- BitMEX
- BrokerTec
- CboeFX_SW_NY
- Coinbase
- CoinFLEX
- CurveGlobal
- Eurex
- Euronext
- Fenics
- MX
- MX
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 602 (LegSecurityId) are
OR |
> 18100 |
LegExDestination |
C |
Exchange |
Execution destination for the leg order as defined by the institution
Some traders use this tag in place of Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) to
identify the exchange.
ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes.
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 616 (LegSecurityExchange) and Tag 602 (LegSecurityId) are
OR |
> 602 |
LegSecurityId |
C |
String |
TT security ID that uniquely identifies the instrument in the TT
Condition: Required when both of the following are true.
The leg instrument trades on a different exchange that the parent
Both Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 616 (LegSecurityExchange)
are absent.
Note: The combination of this tag and tag 603
(LegSecurityIDSource) must uniquely identify an instrument in the TT
> 603 |
LegIDSource |
C |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's SecurityIDSource.
Condition: Required when Tag 18100 (LegExtDestination) and Tag 616
(LegSecurityExchange) are absent.
Note: The combination of this tag and tag 602
(LegSecurityId) must uniquely identify an instrument in the TT
> 600 |
LegSymbol |
N |
String |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's Symbol.
Condition: Required when Tag 167 (SecurityType)=MLEG.
See Symbol (55) field for description.
Note: Users can map the value of Tag 600 to a
different symbology using the Symbol Mapping feature in User Setup.
Refer to the
Fix Rules
and Symbol Mappings
section in the User Setup Help for more information.
> 608 |
LegCFICode |
N |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's CFICode (tag 461).
See CFICode (461) field for description
> 607 |
LegProduct |
N |
String |
Multileg instrument's individual security's product.
Possible values include:
- 1: Agency
- 2: Commodity
- 3: Corporate
- 4: Currency
- 5: Equity
- 6: Government
- 7: Index
- 8: Loan
- 9: Money market
- 10: Mortgage
- 11: Municipal
- 12: Other
- 13: Financing
- 14: Energy
> 609 |
LegSecurityType |
N |
String |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's SecurityType.
Possible values include:
- FUT: Future
- MLEG: Multi-leg
- OPT: Option
- SPOT: EEX spot products
- TBOND: Treasury bond
- CS: Common stock
- NONE: No security type (Not valid for 35=c, e or V)
> 764 |
LegSecuritySubType |
N |
String |
SecuritySubType of the leg instrument.
See SecuritySubType (762) field for description
> 610 |
LegMaturityMonthYear |
N |
MonthYear |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityMonthYear
> 611 |
LegMaturityDate |
N |
LocalMktDate |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityDate.
> 18314 |
LegMaturityDay |
N |
DayOfMonth |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's MaturityDay.
> 612 |
LegStrikePrice |
N |
Price |
Multi-leg instrument's individual security's StrikePrice.
> 1358 |
LegPutOrCall |
C |
int |
Whether the option represents a put or call
Possible values include:
Condition: Required when Tag 609 (LegSecurityType) is
> 624 |
LegSide |
N |
char |
The side of this individual leg (multi-leg security).
Possible values include:
- 1: Buy
- 2: Sell
- 3: Buy minus
- 4: Sell plus
- 5: Sell short
- 6: Sell short exempt
- 7: Undisclosed
- 8: Cross
- 9: Cross short
> 623 |
LegRatioQty |
N |
Qty |
Ratio of quantity for this individual leg relative to the entire
multi-leg security
The value represents one of the following:
For a leg of a covered strategy (such as a volatility trade) on CME
or NYSE_Liffe markets, the value represents the delta (expressed as
an integer between 1 and 100).
In all other cases, the value represents the quantity of this leg in
the strategy.
> 566 |
LegPrice |
N |
Price |
Price of the leg for a multi-leg instrument
> 18224 |
LegContractYearMonth |
N |
char |
Contract term of the underlying instrument in the form, YYYYMMM
> 18212 |
LegDeliveryTerm |
C |
char |
Term of delivery for the underlying instrument.
TT FIX uses this value to identify contracts that do not have a
monthly delivery term.
Possible values include:
- A: Same day
- B: Balance of month
- C: End of Month
- D: Day
- E: Weekly
- H: Hour
- L: Balance of week
- M: Month
- N: Next day
- P: Pack
- Q: Quarterly
- S: Seasonal
- T: Weekend
- V: Variable
- W: Week
- X: Custom
- Y: Year
Condition: Required when both of the following are true:
- The Security Definition indicates it is required.
- The delivery term is not monthly.
> 18213 |
LegDeliveryDate |
C |
Date for contract delivery
Condition: Sent when available
16615 |
LegTTRoutingAccount |
N |
String |
TT Routing Account for the leg. Valid for routing synthetic spread orders only.
Note: TT Routing Account for the leg. Valid for routing synthetic spread orders only.
320 |
SecurityReqID |
Y |
String |
Unique ID for this request
TT FIX includes this tag in its responses to this Security Definition (d) request.
321 |
SecurityRequestType |
N |
int |
Type of security definition requested
If sent, the FIX Client must set this tag to 3 (Request List Securities).
17000 |
RequestTickTable |
N |
Boolean |
Whether the TT FIX should include a tick table in the response.
Valid values include:
- Y: If available, send a tick table
- N: Do not send a tick table (default for omitted tag)
If you need to determine the tick size or tick value for a contract, you must set this value
to Y. For more information, see the Message Notes section for the Security Definition (d)
55 |
Symbol |
N |
String |
Exchange-provided product symbol for the tradable product.
If you specify a value, TT FIX returns Security Definition (d) messages for only those
contracts whose product symbols match the specified value.
100 |
ExDestination |
C |
Exchange |
Name of the sub-market where the instrument trades.
Execution destination for the order as defined by the institution
Some traders use this tag in place of Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) to
identify the exchange.
ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes.
Condition: Required when Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) is absent
Note: This tag can be included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled in Setup.
167 |
SecurityType |
Y |
String |
Asset class of the instrument
Possible values include:
- CS: common stock
- CUR: currency
- FOR: Spot FX
- FUT: future
- MLEG: multi-leg
- NDF: Non-Deliverable Forwards
- NONE: No security type (Not valid for 35=c, e or V)
- OPT: option
- SPOT: EEX spot products
- TBOND: treasury bond
- INDEX: index
If you specify a value, TT FIX returns Security Definition (d) messages for only those
contracts whose security types match the specified value.
207 |
SecurityExchange |
C |
Exchange |
Name of the market where the instrument trades.
TT FIX uses this value to identify the exchange that offers the security.
Possible values include:
- B3
- BitMEX
- BrokerTec
- CboeFX_SW_NY
- Coinbase
- CoinFLEX
- CurveGlobal
- Eurex
- Euronext
- Fenics
- MX
- MX
Condition: Required when Tag 100 (ExtDestination) is absent.
OR |
100 |
ExDestination |
C |
Exchange |
Market Identifier Code (MIC) of the sub-market where the instrument trades.
Execution destination for the order as defined by the institution
Some traders use this tag in place of Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) to identify the exchange.
ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes.
Condition: Required when Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) is absent.
48 |
SecurityID |
N |
String |
TT security ID that uniquely identifies an instrument in the TT platform.
If you specify a value, TT FIX returns Security Definition (d) messages only for only the
single instrument whose security ID matches the specified value.
Note: If Tag 48 (SecurityID) is provided, no other tags to identify the
instrument are needed.
864 |
NoEvents |
N |
NumInGroup |
Number of entries in the event types repeating group
> 865 |
EventType |
N |
int |
Type of event
Possible values include:
- 5: Expiry date
- 6: Last trading date
The following values are only available for EPEX:
- 13:First delivery date
- 14:Last delivery date
- 101: First trading date
- 102: SDAT first trading date
> 866 |
EventDate |
N |
Date the event occurred
> 1145 |
EventTime |
N |
Note: This tag is only available for EPEX.
Specific time of event. Use in combination with EventDate <866>.
Component: <Standard Trailer>
Y |
For additional information about this component group, consult the full
Message Notes
The Security Definition Request (c) message is used by FIX clients to request contract data.
You can filter your security definitions so that TT FIX supplies only those instruments that match the
specified values for one or more of the following tags:
Sending a Security Definition Request (c) message instructs TT FIX to subscribe for contracts that match the
filter criteria. TT FIX sends Security Definition (d) messages for all matching contracts and sends new Security
Definition (d) messages if any of the contract details, such as tick size, change. Additionally, if
a market adds a new contract that matches the filter criteria, TT FIX automatically sends a Security
Definition (d) message for the new contract.
TT FIX uses AND logic to build the query, so specifying multiple tags reduces the matched securities. If you
send none of the tags in the request, TT FIXreturns all securities for all visible markets.
Note: If TT FIX finds no contracts that match the specified filter, it sends no response
back to the FIX client