Used to provide details of an execution reject
Note: This message will only be supported in a future release of the TT Inbound Drop Copy service.
From FIX client to TT FIX
Click the links below to navigate to the documentation for that tag.
Tag # | Field Name | Req’d | Data type | Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y |
35=Q (MsgType) For additional information about this component group, consult the full documentation. |
17 | ExecID | C | string |
Exchange-provided unique identifier for this execution report. Uniqueness varies based on the exchange and is typically limited to a single trading day or the life of a multi-day order. Firms that want to maintain historical archives should consider appending a date to the ExecID value to ensure uniqueness across days. Firms that need a unique ExecID for the life of an order can use Tag 16612 as an alternative. Note: Do not try to interpret or parse the value. Condition: Sent unless an Order Status Request (H) message returns no orders. |
22 | IDSource | N | String |
Source for the value of tag 48 (SecurityID). Possible values include:
Note: The following values are only available for Inbound Drop Copy FIX clients. Note: The following markets support RIC codes (22=5) for identifying futures, spreads and options instruments in tag 48 (SecurityID):
31 | LastPx | C | Price |
Price of this fill If Tag 442 (MultiLegReportingType) is 2 (Leg), the value represents the price at which a leg of the spread filled. The message's Instrument Component identifies the filled leg. Condition: Sent when Tag 150 (ExecType) is 1 (Partial Fill) or 2 (Fill) |
32 | LastShares | C | qty |
Indicates the number of contracts that just filled Condition: Sent only when Tag 150 (ExecType) is 1 (Partial Fill) or 2 (Fill) |
37 | OrderID | C | String |
Internal TT order key assigned to all orders submitted through any TT software The value remains constant for the life of an order. Condition: Required when the message does not contain Tag 41 (OrigClOrdID) |
38 | OrderQty | C | Qty |
Total order quantity Condition: Sent unless an Order Status Request (H) message returns no orders. |
48 | SecurityID | N | String |
TT security ID that uniquely identifies the instrument in the TT platform. |
54 | Side | C | char |
Order side Possible values include:
Condition: Sent unless an Order Status Request (H) message returns no orders. |
55 | Symbol | C | String |
Exchange-provided product symbol for the tradable product. When tag 54 (Side) is B or C, set 55=NA; the values in tag 600 (LegSymbol) and tag 624 (LegSide) in the LegInstrument group are used instead. Condition: Required only when price conversion based on symbol mappings is needed. |
58 | Text | C | String |
Additional information about the message Condition: Sent when the TT FIX needs to send additional information |
107 | SecurityDesc | N | String | Security description. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
127 | DKReason | Y | String |
Reason for execution rejection. Possible values include:
167 | SecurityType | C | String |
Asset class of the instrument. Possible values include:
Condition: Required only when price conversion based on symbol mappings is needed. |
200 | MaturityMonthYear | C | MonthYear |
Month and year the instrument reaches maturity in the format YYYYMM. Condition: Sent when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is not MLEG |
201 | PutOrCall | C | int |
Whether the option represents a put or call Possible values include:
Condition: Sent when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT |
202 | StrikePrice | C | Price |
Stirke price for an option Condition: Required when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT and when price conversion based on symbol mappings is needed. |
205 | MaturityDay | C | DayOfMonth |
Day of expiration for the instrument. Range: 1-31 Condition: Sent when multiple contracts exist for the same month |
206 | OptAttribute | C | char |
Additional information about the option contract. Condition: Required when both of the following are true:
Note: This tag can be included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled in Setup. |
207 | SecurityExchange | N | Exchange |
Name of the market where the instrument trades. TT FIX uses this value to identify the exchange that offers the security. Possible values include:
541 | MaturityDate | C | LocalMktDate |
Maturity date in format YYYYMMDD. Note: This tag value overrides tag 200 (MaturityMonthYear) and tag 205 (MaturityDay), if they are also specified. Condition: Required when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is not MLEG Note: This tag can be included in messages sent from TT FIX Drop Copy sessions when the Compliance Feed (Send original order/cancel/change messages and pending execution reports) setting is enabled in Setup. |
864 | NoEvents | N | NumInGroup |
Number of entries in the event types repeating group |
> 865 | EventType | N | int |
Type of event Possible values include:
The following values are only available for EPEX:
> 866 | EventDate | N | LOCALMKtdATE |
Date the event occurred |
> 1145 | EventTime | N | UTCTIMESTAMP |
Note: This tag is only available for EPEX. Specific time of event. Use in combination with EventDate <866>. |
Y | For additional information about this component group, consult the full documentation. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: This message will only be supported in a future release of the TT Inbound Drop Copy service.