

LISA Report Menu

Report Menu

The Report Menu is used to perform queries on the main view and to display a report on the different accounts.

Account Recap

The Account Recap window provides a summary of the position per account/contract.

  1. To access the Account Recap window, go to [Report]>[Account Recap].
  2. The Account Recap window opens.

The list is divided into 10 columns: (Additional Columns can be added by right click and selecting Columns Customization)

  • Account: The account number for the recap report
  • Market: The markets displayed in the report
  • Contact: The contracts displayed in the report
  • Expiry: The Expiry Date as defined by the contact definition at the clearing house
  • Strike: The Strike price of the option
  • C/P: Call or Put definition on the option contract
  • Volume: the total volume of the trades in clearing. Volume = Long + Short
  • Long: the total number of Buy
  • Short: the total number of Sell
  • Net: Long minus Short clearing volume

This list aggregates the different data used during the clearing by Account, Market, Contract, Expiry, Strike, and Call/Put.

The Filter Panel on the top of the window is useful to filter the list according to one or more fields. You can filter the list according to the following fields:

  • Account
  • Account Group
  • Market Account
  • Clear Info 1
  • Clear Info 2
  • Market
  • Contract
  • Date

For the Date field, you can either enter a single date or a date range.

Follow these steps to enter a date range:

  1. Click in the Date field.
  2. A calendar appears:
  3. Select the date D1 which will be the beginning of your date range.
  4. Keep pressed the left button of the mouse and go to the date D2 which will be the end of your date range.
  5. You should see a blue background from D1 to D2.
  6. Click in another field like the Market one for example: the calendar disappears, and your date filter is displayed in the Date field.
  7. The [ Query] button allows you to refresh the list according to the filters entered.
  8. The [ Email] button allows you to send an email with the list in the body of the email.

Allocation Split Recap

The Allocation Split Recap is an optional functionality which requires a special license and module.

Select Parameters to setup the Regulatory passwords.



Rule Name

This name will be displayed on the LISA Front End whenever a clearing is blocked following a Regulatory rule

Clearing Only (GI)

Limit rule to GiveIn only

Execution Only (GU)

Limit rule to Giveup only

Execution + Clearing

No limit to Rule being applied to all trades


Limit rule to specific contract

Contract Group

Limit rule to Specific contract group

Contract Type

All Contracts:

Futures: Limit rule to Future only

Option Call/Put: Limit rule to Options only

Give In Member


Member: Limit rule to a specific member

Member Group: Limit rule to a member group


Limit rule to a specific account

Account Group

Limit rule to a specific account group

Allocation Limitation System

This feature limits which accounts are available for allocation depending on the execution account (Market Account).

This is to limit user error on allocations.

This affects both TeoV3 and LISA. The desired end effect is:

TeoV3 trader would only see a subset of accounts on his account list when allocating a specific trade (or in the split screen etc). Any attempt at allocation to an account not in the list would be refused.

LISA user would only see a subset of accounts on his account list when allocating a specific trade (or in the split screen, F2 etc). Any attempt at allocation to an account not in the list would be refused.

This feature does not put limits on ACR rules, Allocation split, automatic matching or orders entered via file import (including TeoV3 since the limitation should have already been done in TeoV3).

Add New Account Allocation Limitation

This method is best used for adding a single limitation, however using the bulk import table might be a better and faster.

From the LISA Menu follow these steps

  1. Click [Configuration]> [Clearing]>[Allocation Limitation System]
  2. Click Add
  3. Populate the fields as described in the table below
  4. Field


    Trade Exec Account

    The Market account that the broker executed onto the exchange. This is usually found the Market Account field of the trade. Wildcards (*) can be used. e.g. marketacc*


    The market that is relevant for this limitation. Wildcards (*) can be used e.g. *


    The member that is relevant for this limitation. Wildcards (*) can be used e.g. *


    The LISA Account that the Exec Account is limited too. Wildcards (*) can be used. e.g. POV_*

    Free Text 1

    Free text information

    Free text 2

    Free text information

    Free Text 3

    Free text information

    Free text 4

    Free text information

    Free Text 5

    Free text information



  5. Click Add.

Note This will not take effect unless the LISA user in question has the ALS enabled under there user login for each member and market under the Member Tab on the Login setup.

Allocation Split p 64 and for more information.

Risk Recap

The risk recap report displays all the orders that required risk override or acknowledgement. This provides a useful audit of the current position of the account at the time of action. To generate a risk recap report simply carry out these steps

  1. Click on the menu item [Report]>[Risk Report]
  2. This will open a new window Risk Recap. See image below.

Additional Buttons:

  • Query: The Recap report allows for the requery of the report by clicking on the Query button on the top left of the window.
  • All: This displays all the actions taken to resolve a risk warning.
  • Limit exceeded: This shows only those limits that exceeded their gross limit.

The report is divided into 14 columns - we will explain the main audit columns:

  • Name: the name of the risk limit that raise the warning
  • Date: The date of the risk warning
  • Clearing Mode: defines how the risk limit is setup whether is give-in and/or house
  • Last update: the date and time that this warning was accepted
  • Last Operator: the LISA user that carried out the audited action.