

LISA User Menu

User Menu


The Appearance Setup screen is useful to choose the colors used on the LISA interface. Every user can define which color he wants to see according to the trade/order clear status. You can define the background color of each row as well as the font color.

  1. To access the Appearance Setup window, go to the Menu item [User]>[Appearance]
  2. The Appearance Setup Window.

There are four tabs allowing you to configure the appearance.

General Tab

The General Tab allows you to define the general parameters. Follow these steps to define the general parameters:

  1. Double-click on the color box you would like to change.
  2. Choose the new color wanted.
  3. If you don't want to see the grid lines in the Trade and Order Area, check the Mask Grid Lines box.
  4. The selected row option lets you choose the color of the active row in the list. If you check the No Color box,
  5. only the active cell color will be applied.
  6. Select the Windows Style if you want to display XP frame style or your own system frame style.



[Data Columns]

Display the local time instead of the database time

Displays database time as that of local machine.

Display the local time instead of the market time

Displays market time as that of local machine.

Display milliseconds

Show milliseconds in times.


Windows Style

Displays the application in the desired appearance.

Default: XP

Mask Grid Lines

If checked, hides lines between table cells.

Default: Unchecked

Do not display Marked as APS

If checked, do not display the Marked As APS trades in the datagrid (All/Unmatched/Uncleared) in the two windows / one window mode.

Default: Unchecked

Do not display LME UNA

If checked then all LME/LPM lines with Out member (Cpty)=UNA are hidden

Default: Unchecked

Display LME OriginalExecDecisionUserId on InputOrder

If enabled, the LME Input Order screen will display the OriginalExecDecisionUserID in the column Execution Decision User (instead of Market Trader) - if this is blank, we then display Data column.

Default: unchecked

Disable clearing information warning popup on Add order

 If unchecked, then a popup will ask the user to confirm in case the clearing info were manually updated compared to the account setup.

Default: Unchecked

Status Bar AP Decimal Places

Selects the number of decimals to truncate and display for average price trades.

Default: 7

Show Cleared GiveUp as GiveUp Taken

If checked, then the clear status of a Cleared GiveUp order/trade will be displayed as GiveUp Taken instead of Cleared.

Default: Unchecked

Clear Status Colors Tab

The Clear Status Colors Tab allows you to define the colors according to the trade/order clear status.

Follow these steps to define the colors:

  1. Double-click on the color box you would like to change.
  2. Choose the new color you want.
Idle Time Tab

From this screen you can set alerts to inform users of the state of the Unmatched/Uncleared Trades. A new column named Idle Time will be displayed in LISA Front End and will change color after a defined amount of time to indicate a Warning or Alert condition.

Follow these steps to set up the Idle Time appearances:

  1. Enable the feature using the check box Idle Time Enabled.
  2. You can set up two levels: Warning or Alert. For each one, you can decide the delay before raising the alert and the background color displayed in LISA.
  3. Expiration will enable a user to choose a color that lines will be highlighted in when Expiry Date = Clear Date.
  4. The result will be displayed in the LISA main screen as follows:

Import Settings Tab

From this screen, you can:

  • Import the settings from another user by clicking on the [Import] button.
  • Reset your values to the default ones by clicking on the [Reset] button.


LISA Clearing Engine offers many shortcuts to its most used functionalities. You can define these shortcuts using the Shortcuts menu. The shortcuts are grouped in six different sections:

  • Orders and Static Data
  • Trades
  • Give-In and Give-Up
  • Matching
  • Risk
  • Miscellaneous.
  1. To access the Shortcuts Setup window, go to Menu item [User]>[Shortcuts].
  2. The Shortcuts Setup window opens.

Edit Shortcuts

Follow these steps to edit a shortcut:

  1. Select a tab.
  2. Click on the textbox of the shortcut that you want to edit.
  3. Press on your keyboard the keys you want to assign to this shortcut.
  4. Note If you want to import the shortcuts from another user, select a user in the dropdown list and click [Import] button. To restore the default shortcuts, click [Reset] button.


To access the Filters Setup window, go to menu item [User]>[Filters Setup].

The Filter Setup window opens.

Start Up

On the Start Up tab, you can set up the filters that are applied by default on start-up. You can filter by Market or Status or by using a custom filter.


In the Markets tab, you can choose which markets to display. As described in Predefined Filters , you can choose on this setup screen which markets will be displayed in the pre-defined market filter panel on the left side.

To combine two or more markets in one filter, select a market from the Available list, then keep the [Ctrl] key pressed and select the other markets you want to merge with the first one. Once you have selected all the markets you want to merge together, click on the [Merge >>] button.

You can edit merged markets by selecting them on the [Active] column and clicking [Edit]. The Edit screen should pop up allowing you to make the desired changes.


Show the Member Filter Toolbar: ability to show or hide the Member filter panel at the top of the LISA main window.

Exclude NCM: once checked, exclude all the members which are setup as NCM on the Member filter panel.


To display alerts when new trades or orders arrive, the following actions have to be made:

  1. An alert will be displayed each time a new trade or order arrives through the selected filters.
  2. If you select the Market Filters, the alert will be represented by a star next to the name of the market name that has new trades/orders.
  3. If you select the Custom Filters, the alert will be represented by the custom filter being displayed in bold and showing the number of new trades between braces.
  4. If you select a Status Filter, the alert will be represented by the status filter being displayed in bold and showing the number of new trades between braces. If you check the Error status filter, the alert will be also displayed in red.
  5. If you check the Failed Order/Failed Trade, the alert will be represented by the failed order/failed trade buttons being displayed in bold, blinking red and showing the number of failed orders/failed trades between braces.

Follow these steps to automatically sort orders and trades:

  1. Check the Sort automatically box to activate the functionality.
  2. You can choose the maximum number of rows when the automatic sorting will be applied as this process can have an impact on performance.
  3. Select the fields on which you want to sort the trades or orders.
  4. Select in which order you want to see the sorting (ascending or descending).


On this screen, you can setup the printing preferences.

Printer Default: Will use the settings as defined by your printer.

Normal: Print reports in Portrait

Landscape: Print the reports in landscape

Centering Section:

The report page margins are left justified (No) or Centered (Yes) Prompt will request requirement on each report printed.

Import Settings

On this screen, you can easily import user defined settings from another user.

The user settings have been described in User Menu.

The Columns Section gives you the ability to import the layout (the columns which are visible and their order) for the trade and order Sections in the Two Windows mode and the Trade/Orders Section in the One Window mode.

For more information on saved filters, refer to Custom Filters.

Account Panel

Add the accounts that you want to see in the account panel found between the Order and Trade grid. This allows for the setup the account panel and then the height and rows. You will be able to select the accounts to display in the panel.

Internal Average Price

This form allows you to define the number of decimals to calculate the average price to.

Split Per Percentage

For more information on splits, refer to Setting up a Split per Percentage.

Split per Algo

Please refer to the section Split per Percentage above.

Split per Volume

Please refer to the section Split per Percentage above.

Market Loading Options

This window allows the user to select which markets to load in LISA. Refer to Market Loading Options as this window is the same as the Market Loading Options of the Log In window.