

LISA Windows Menu

Windows Menu

The Windows Menu allows users to manage the view of LISA's interface.

One Window Mode

By default, the interface of LISA Clearing Engine is divided into two windows:

  • A window for the orders
  • A window for the trades

You can merge these two windows into one by clicking on the [ One Window] sub-menu. The orders and trades will be displayed in one window only.

To differentiate the orders from the trades, the order texts are displayed in black whereas the trades are displayed in blue.

Two Windows Mode

If you are in the One Window view, you can go back to the Two Windows one by clicking on the [

Two Windows (Orders & Trades)] sub-menu. The orders and the trades will be displayed in two separate windows.

Open a New Instance of LISA

You can open as many instances of LISA as you want. To open a new instance, click on the [ Open a new instance of LISA] sub menu. A new instance of LISA will be opened.

Reset All Windows Position

Each time a new window is opened (accounts panel, users panel etc.), LISA stores the position of this window on the screen. You can use this option to reset the position of all your LISA windows.