LISA View Menu
View Menu
The View Menu allows users to setup how they want the trades and orders to be displayed in LISA Front End's
The Historical filters are useful to see the clearing status of trades and orders on a market at a specific
Follow these steps to view the history of trades or orders:
- Go to [View Menu]>[Historical].
- A filter panel appears on the main view of LISA.
- Select the Clear date on which you want to see the history. If you want to load several days at once, check
the End
- Date box and select the date of your choice.
- Type in the Market you want to see or leave the field empty.
- You can enter some other filters like a specific Account, Contract, etc.
- Press the [Load] button.
Historical Audit Trail
To view the Audit trail of an historical Order or trade, follow these steps.
- While under the Historical view, right click on the desired order or trade
- Navigate to the Historical menu item then to the View Audit Trail as demonstrated below.
- Similarly, you can select the desired order or trade and hit (Alt +T) to view the Audit trail.
To switch back to the normal View go to [View Menu]>[Current Day].
View Audit Trail
The Audit Trail Menu is useful to see all the actions made on a specific Order or Trade for a particular
Follow these steps to see the audit trail of the trades and orders:
- Go to the menu item [View]>[Audit Trail].
- The Audit Trail window opens.
- Choose between the Order and Trade tabs depending on the data you want to view.
- Select the Clear Date on which you want to see an audit trail.
- Type in the Market you want to see.
- You can enter some other filters like a specific Account, Contract, etc.
- Press the [Load] button.
- Once loaded, the top screen will contain either the orders or the trades matching the criteria where you can
use the
- Quick search function to find one trade or order, and the bottom screen will contain the audit trail of the
selected order or trade on the top screen.
- When viewing Trades, you may switch between three Loading options: Simple, Full and Full & Related to view
different levels of the audit trail.
Failed Input Order
An input order is an order imported into LISA Clearing Engine by the Order Input Transfer (OIT) module. The
Failed Input Order Menu allows users to see which input orders have failed and why. Users can then identify the
cause of failure, correct the orders and try again to import them.
To access the Failed Input Orders window:
- Go to Menu [View] > [Failed Input Order] or click on the [Failed Order] predefined filter.
- The Failed Orders window opens.
This window is divided into three parts:
- An Action Panel
- An Update Panel
- A list of the failed input orders with details such as the account, price, reason of failure, etc.
The Action Panel allows you to:
- Display only the incoming orders. Click the [Allocations] button
- Display only update events on existing orders by clicking on the [Clearing Update Event] button.
The Update panel is useful to update the failed orders or to delete them.
Multiple actions are possible from this panel:
- Refresh the list of the failed input orders.
- Retry to validate the failed orders.
- Multiple Edit one or several orders to correct the cause of their failure.
- Delete one or more failed orders.
- Add Transcos: Quickly creating new translations for; Account, Contract, Default Member, Exec Broker, Market,
- Price Multi and Strike Price.
- Add Static for the likes of Source, OIT Job, Market, Member, Contract, Account Type, Account.
Refresh Update Panel
To refresh the list, click on the [
Refresh] button.
Delete Failed Orders
To delete orders, select them and then click on the [
Delete] button.
Validate orders
Follow these steps to retry validating the failed orders:
- Select the orders you want to validate.
- Click on the [Retry] button.
- If the orders are correct, then they will disappear from the list. If not, they will still be displayed.
Multiple Edit
Follow these steps to Edit a field for multiple orders:
- Select a specific field from the orders (for example the Market field).
- Click on the [
Multiple Edit] button.
- The Edit Market window opens:
- Enter the new value for the selected field.
- Click on the [OK] button.
- The fields are modified and a [Retry] action will be automatically called. If the orders where edited
correctly they will disappear from the list.
Note The failed order window will look for the member which is not valid currently from all the member fields
(Member, Clear Member, In and Out member) and auto suggest the first one which is not valid (else we keep the
current behavior). If the member is invalid, the add member screen checks the Connected checkbox else it unticks
the connected flag. When creating an account, the Open flag should be ticked, otherwise the default behavior is
to create the account as closed
Failed Input Trade
An input trade is a trade imported into LISA Clearing Engine by the Trade Input Transfer (TIT) module. The
Input Trade Menu allows users to see which input trades have failed and why. Users can then correct the reason
the failure and try again to import the trade into LISA.
To see all the failed input trades, go to [View Menu]>[Failed Input Trade] or click on the Failed Trade
predefined filter.
The Failed Input Trade window works exactly like the Failed Input Order window. For more details, refer to
Failed Input Order.
Exercise & Assignment & Position & Position Transfer Overview
This Menu allows users to visualize position transfers in LISA Frontend.
To view your position transfers please follow these steps:
- Go to menu [View]>[Exercise & Assignment & Position & Position Transfer Overview] and a window with the
Exercise & Assignment & Position & Position Transfer Overview will appear.
- By default, top day is displayed. Selecting Historical from the dropdown list will allow you to select
specific date range or a date. Once selected, click Refresh.
- Select the Market filters to limit the Markets displayed from the left filter bar.
- Select the tab filters to simply display the Exercise/Assignment/Position Transfer respectively.
When options are exercised, these will be viewed in the Exercise tab in the view window. When the options
has been assigned the obligation to deliver the terms of the contract, these will be viewed in the Assignment
When the trades have Internal Status = position or orders with Order Env='EXASS' & type='POS', these will be
viewed in the Position tab. When the underlying assets are transferred between the options writers and the
holders, these are viewed in the Position Transfer tabs.
Note If you make the action AcceptRisk of an order not matched with clearStatus=Risk Warning (10), the status
should go to Risk Accepted (11).