

LISA Menus Overview

LISA Menus

LISA Clearing Engine contains the following menus:

  • File Menu
  • Configuration Menu
  • User Menu
  • Report Menu
  • View Menu
  • Windows Menu
  • Help Menu

Before detailing each of these menus, we will describe the general editing functionalities used on most of the LISA static data screens.

General Screen Layout

Most of the configuration options are displayed on windows.

This window is divided into three parts: bar

  • A vertical Action Panel on the leI
  • A Horizontal Tab Bar at the top
  • A Result List containing all the items already set up.


By clicking on a market name on the horizontal tab bar, you will display only the accounts defined for that specific market. The Quick Search function searches in the main fields of the grid and displays any lines containing the value in the search box. The filtering capabilities are similar to the main screen.

General Add/Edit/Clone/Delete StaUc

To add a new item, click on the [ Add] button located on the Action Panel.

A new Add window appears. It will be different depending of the static data you're currently working on.

To edit an existing item, select the item line from the list and either click on the button [ Edit] located in the Action Panel or double-click on the line. A new window opens with all the fields already filled. Make your necessary amendments and click on the [Edit] button to save them.

If you click on the [ Add] button, a new item having all the details cloned is added provided the name field is unique.

To delete an item, select a line from the list and click on the button [ Delete] on the Action Panel. If you confirm your action, the line will then be sent to the recycle bin.

Multiple EdiUng

If you need to update different lines with the same information, you can use the Multiple Edit functionality. Select the different fields you want to edit and either press [F2] or click on the Multiple Edit button of the action panel and enter the new value you want to use.

Note on LME, Smart Customer Accounts can be mulO-edited, but will only allow to be changed to accounts set to Type C or N.

Recycle bin

Once a line has been deleted from the main screen, it is moved to the recycle bin. If you try to create another line with the same main characteristics (for example same Account Name/ Market/ Member), you will get an error saying the account already exists because it is sOll in the recycle bin. You can either restore the account from the recycle bin (undelete it) or permanently delete it.

Bulk Import

On some of the screens you can use the Bulk Import window to insert several lines in one operation. All you have to do is create an Excel spread sheet with the same columns as the Bulk Import window and copy and paste the information from the spread sheet into the Bulk Import screen. You can also Click on the Upload button at the bottom leI corner to choose a local XLSX file prepared containing valid data and columns relating to the import being done. E.g.

To store the new data, click on the [Import ] button on the bottom right of the screen.

For fields that are not valid:

  • The incorrect lines are highlighted in light red.
  • The fields not valid are highlighted in red.
  • The last column “Results” indicates which fields are not valid.
  • The status bar displays the number of failed lines.

If all fields are valid, the lines are imported and are highlighted in light green

The Bottom of the window contains various buttons.

  • Download: Provides the user the ability to save the information in the data grid locally in xlsx format. Example. Suggested filename:LISA_BulkImport_NameOfObject.xlsx (e.g. LISA_BulkImport_Account.xlsx if we are on the Bulk Import Account screen). This will Generate a xlsx files with all the columns headers and the not empty rows.
  • Upload: Provide the user the ability to select the file he wants to import.
  • Create: Only adds new records to static data that don't exist. If import line matches existing static data record, it will fail.
  • Update: Updates existing static data record with import line. If import line doesn't match an existing static data record, it will fail.
  • Merge: Updates existing static data record with an import line where a match is found, else add a new static data record.
  • Import: Validates import lines.
  • Clear Imported: Clears only successful imported line from the Bulk Import window.
  • Close: Closes the window
Bulk Import Right-Click Options

On the bulk Import window, select one or more data cells and Right-Click to access more operations:

  • Copy: Used to copy the selected data or All rows depending on the selected option.
  • Paste: Paste data from the clipboard into the selected cell(s)
  • Multiple Edit: Used to edit multiple selected cells at once.
  • Replace: Used to replace an existing value with a new one.
  • Prefix: Used to append a specific value in front of the selected text.
  • Suffix: Used to append a specific value at the end of the selected text.

Columns Customization

You can choose which columns are displayed in LISA's interface and also in which order you want to see them. You can also define which columns can be exported in an email/file or printed.

To customize the columns:

  1. Right-click on a Grid View, for example, the grid lisOng the accounts:
  2. Select the menu [ Columns Customization].
  3. The following window opens.
  4. If you want to import the column customization settings from another user, select the user from the drop-down list and then click on the [Import] button.
  5. The list on the leI, Available Columns, contains all the columns you can display on LISA's interface. The list on the right, AcUve Columns, shows which columns are currently displayed and what the permissions are for each column. Between the two lists there are several buttons allowing you to customize the order of the columns.
  6. If you want to display a specific column, select the name of the column from the Available Columns list and then click on the [>] button. The column selected will appear in the AcUve Columns list.
  7. If you want to remove a specific column from LISA's interface, select the name of the column from the AcUve Columns list and then click on the [<] button. The column selected will appear in the Available Columns list.
  8. There are several buttons that let you arrange the order in which the columns are displayed:
  9. Top — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the Top button. The selected column will be placed at the first position and thus will be the first column displayed in LISA's interface.

    — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the button. The column will be moved 10 places closer to the top of the list.

    — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the button. The column will be moved 1 place closer to the top of the list.

    — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the button. The column will be moved 1 place closer to the bottom of the list.

    — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the button. The column will be moved 10 places closer to the bottom of the list.

    Bottom — Select one column in the AcUve Columns list and press the Bo`om button. The selected column will be placed at the last position and will be the last column displayed in LISA's interface.

  10. For each column, you can specify if you want it to be displayed in a File export, an Email, or when printed. There is also the possibility to make the column visible or not in the interface.
  11. Click on the[Save]button,the window disappears, and the columns are organized as specified.

File Export

Follow these steps to export the list details to a text file, a CSV file or XLSX file:

  1. Select the lines you want to export.
  2. Click on [File Menu], then [ File Export] then [Selected Lines].
  3. Choose the file format you want use (TXT, CSV(,), CSV(;) or XLSX).
  4. Save your file export to the location of your choice.
  5. Note that you can export all the lines by clicking on: [ File Export] [All Lines] in step 2.

Email Export

To email, you must have a Microsoft Outlook Mail client installed. You will also need to speak to your system administrator to ensure that your LISA frontend is configured to email, reviewing the LISA Frontend Installation Guide for instructions.

Follow these steps to email the list details:

  1. Select the lines you want to email.
  2. Click on [File Menu], then [ Email], then [Selected Lines].
  3. Choose one of these options:
    • Email: to send an email with the order details in the body of the email.
    • Email + TXT: to send an email with an enclosed Text File containing the details.
    • Email + CSV: to send an email with an enclosed CSV File containing the details.
    • Email + XLSX: to send an email with an enclosed XLSX File containing the details.
  4. Select the contacts you want to send the email to.
  5. Click the [Send] button to send your email.


Follow these steps to print the lines or to see a Print Preview before starOng to print:

  1. Click on the button [ Print]
  2. Choose one of these options:
    • Print Preview: you can preview the report that will be printed. First select which printer you want to print to.

      A message box appears, select [Yes] if you want the report centred on the page.

      The print preview appears.

    • Print: you can print the report.

      First select which printer you want to print to.

  3. A message box appears, select [Yes] if you want the report centred on the page.
  4. Click [Ok] to print the report.

Copy to clipboard

Follow these steps to copy the lines to the clipboard:

  1. Select the fields of the order/trade you want to copy.
  2. Right click on the fields selected and a menu appears.
  3. Select the menu [ Copy]>[Selected Rows].
  4. You can then paste the fields selected in any text file.

Note that you can copy all the orders/trades fields by replacing the step 3 by: [ Copy]>[All Rows].