Options Trade Monitor

Options Trade Monitor

Options Trade Monitor settings

Available settings

These settings affect only the selected Options Trade Monitor widget. To update the default settings with these value for newly-opened Options Trade Monitor widgets, or to apply them to existing opened widgets, click Defaults.


You can customize the Options Trade Monitor using the following settings:

  • Colors: Allows you to customize or change the cell and column colors available in the widget.

  • Show tabs: Check to show tabs at the bottom of the widget. Uncheck to hide tabs.

  • Set Options Trade Monitor columns: Select the columns you want shown in the widget.

Options Trade Monitor column descriptions

Column Description
Date Date the trade occurred
Time Time the trade occurred

The name and contract expiry for the instrument or strategy.


Whether the instrument is a call or put option.


Shows the underlying Futures contract price at which a holder can exercise their option to buy or sell the contract. The strike column reflects the range of the day by shading the strike. The high / low line indicators as seen on MD Trader® are displayed in the strike column relative to their position.


The type of instrument or options strategy.


Shows the requested quantity if it's submitted with the RFQ for a contract.


Price of the order or fill.


The theoretical value of the instrument based on the user's volatility curve.


Edge gained (or lost) with the trade.


Price of the underlying instrument.


Implied volatility value. Implied volatilities are calculated using the midpoint of bid and ask prices.

The delta calculated with the auto-fit volatility curve values provided by TT.


Gamma calculated using implied volatility.


Shows the change in options value per change in time, which is also known as time decay. Based on TT auto-fit volatility curve values.


Shows the change in options value per change in volatility based on the TT auto-fit volatility curve.


Shows the change in options value per change in interest rate. Based on TT auto-fit volatility curve values.


The total traded quantity for the session.