Options Trade Monitor

Options Trade Monitor

Options Trade Monitor display

TT’s Options Trade Monitor display consists of the following:

  1. Date and time the trade occurred.
  2. Options instrument involved in the trade, including:
    • Name and type of the options instrument.
    • Strike price at the time of the trade.
  3. Price and quantity of the trade.
  4. Theoretical value of the options instrument and the edge gained.
  5. Price of the underlying instrument.
  6. Volatility and Greeks values.
  7. Tabs allowing you to monitor multiple product families in a single Options Trade Monitor.

Highlighted tabs with new trades

When using multiple tabs, the tab(s) you are not viewing will be highlighted yellow to indicate when new trades have been received. This tab will also display the number of new trades received since you last viewed the product on that tab.

Highlighted tabs with new trades