Release Notes

February 2025 - UAT Environment

UAT Complete Production Start Production Complete Type Component Release Note




Setup App

Added new report types to TT Setup. These can be accessed via the Reports section in the left navigation pane.
- Account Connections
Shows the connections assigned to the selected account.
- Account List
Shows the users assigned to an account and all accounts assigned to a user. Includes users shared to the Company, and accounts not owned by the Company but which have been applied to their user(s).
- Account Restrictions
Shows the account restrictions settings (Allow/Deny) for all accounts available to a company.
- Connections and Settings
Shows a list of all connections along with associated settings and fields.
- Credit and Settings
Shows the Credit Settings and Credit Values of accounts or risk groups.
- Order Permissions
Shows the Order Permissions enabled on users for assigned accounts.
- Product Margin
Lists the applied values and currency for Product and Inter-Product margin.
- Risk Group Account
Shows the accounts that are assigned to risk groups.
- Risk Group Limits
Shows the risk limits that have been set for risk groups.
- Shared Accounts
Shows all Account(s) that have been shared including the Company the account has been shared to.
- Sponsored Users and Market Data
Lists users and their market data entitlements and includes whether or not the user has been sponsored.
- Users and Accounts with Account Limits
Shows all Risk Limits assigned to the selected accounts or users.

(Ref 176148)