Release Notes

June 2024 - UAT Environment

UAT Complete Production Start Production Complete Type Component Release Note






We have released a new TT Desktop installer package v24.1.1 that utilizes Chromium v123. This upgraded version of Chromium includes performance changes, bug fixes and security fixes provided by the Chromium team. Note that TT Desktop v24.1.1 is required to utilize the Desktop Notification features for Fills and Idle Timeout included in upcoming v40 of the TT front end application. Also included in this package is the previously released TT Excel Add-In v23.1.

(Ref 167484)





ICE has announced that, in order to meet regulatory requirements, Manual Order Indicator (Tag 1028) will become mandatory for New Order Cross [35=s].
The effective date for this requirement has been updated from July 1, 2024, to September 1, 2024, as noted in their recent circular. TT will begin supporting this feature starting July 1, 2024
TT Impact This change applies to the Basis, Block, Cross, and Asset Allocation trade types in ICE and ICE_L. For trades placed manually via the front end Blocktrader widget, TT will send 1028=Y to ICE. No user action is required. The ability for FIX clients and .NET SDK clients to override Tag 1028 will be introduced in the coming weeks with a separate notice. Until then and if not specified, the default 1028=Y (manual) will apply to orders placed by FIX and .NET SDK clients.
ICE is also mandating that Manual Order Indicator (tag 1028) be set in regular orders as well, and TT is already handling this requirement as follows:
For manually placed orders via the front end such as Limit (Tag 40=2), Market (Tag 40=1), Stop Limit (Tag 40=4), and Stop Market (Tag 40=3), TT will assign 1028=Y.
For the orders placed via the front end, but internally managed by the Automated trading server or Algo, TT will set 1028=N. This includes Autospreader, Aggregator, ADL Algo Trading, TT synthetic order types, and TT premium order types.
FIX clients and .NET SDK clients can override Tag 1028. However, if not specified, the default setting is 1028=N.
More Information from the exchange: IFEU : Announcement: FAQ:
ICE Endex: Announcement:, FAQ:

(Ref 167645)






Fixed an issue to additionally set the broker id when overriding leg accounts for ASE. (v1.1.4.1)

(Ref 167134)






Added support for specifying a separate account for each leg of an Autospreader order. (v1.1.3.1)

(Ref 167067)




Added an optional "Fixing Date" column to grid-based widgets that display order and fill records, e.g., Order Book, Fills widget, Orders and Fills widget, Audit Trail and Audit Query widget. This value will only be populated for FX Spot instruments.

(Ref 165947)




We have significantly enhanced the existing "Fill Alerts" feature to improve notifications when a fill is received. The changes include: (1) Optionally display notifications on the screen on top of all applications, even when the TT application is behind other applications or even minimized. (2) Support filtering in the existing Fills Alert widget on fields such as Account and/or User such that the filter is maintained when the alert is closed. (3) Support customization of the Fills Alert widget display, specifically the background color to make the alert more noticeable. See our documentation for more details.

(Ref 165942)






There is a change in order amend behaviour for HKEX Spread orders when order price is changed to zero. HKEX does not permit this amend action, and up until now all such change requests were rejected by the exchange. A manual order cancel followed by creation of a new order was the only possible way to change a Spread order price to zero.
TT now manages this action on the server side. When amending a Spread order such that the new order price is zero (0), TT cancels the order and, on the trader’s behalf, creates a new order for the same working quantity at price zero. Users should note that there are very rare occasions in which the order cancel or order add action could be rejected by HKEX due to race conditions. In such cases a reject message will be returned to the trader in the order’s Text field / FIX Tag 58. Traders should manually cancel their order and create a new order when this occurs.
Adoption of the new behaviour will happen automatically. Users do not need to take any action or set any properties to make use of the new behaviour. Please note, the new behaviour is replaces basic order amend functionality and cannot be disabled.

(Ref 164249)





TT Algos

New optional parameters for TT Premium Order Types:
* End Time Override - Overrides End Time, Duration, or the default with one of several product hours related values. Available enumerations are:
** None (default)
** Last Session Close - end of the trading hours of the last continuous session of the business day
** Next Session Close - end of the trading hours of the first session following the Start Time
** Settlement
* Dynamic Duration - on TT Brisk and TT Close, allows the algo to target a shorter trading horizon respective to it's Start/End Time benchmark. If selected, orders submitted may finish ahead of defined End Time (TT Brisk) or begin working past the Start Time (TT Close). If not selected, parent orders will seek to utilize the full trading window as defined by the Start and End Times. The default setting is for Dynamic Duration to be selected.

(Ref 166571)