Advanced concepts
Managing shared algos
Sharing an algo
To share an algo with other users:
Open the algo you want to share in ADL.
Deploy the algo, if the algo is not already deployed.
From the File menu, select Share/Unshare.
The Sharing settings dialog appears.
Enter the comma-separated TTID email addresses of the users with whom you want to share the algo.
Click either or both of the following permissions:
- View in ADL (but not edit): Allows the users to open the algo in ADL, but not alter it.
- Launch: Limits the user to running the algo from the Algo Dashboard.
Note: Selected permissions are applied to all users specified. If you want to assign different permissions to different users, you must share the algo separately for each users-permissions combination.
Click OK.
Note: If any of the emails are invalid, a message similar to the following is displayed and the permissions are not set for any of the specified email addresses.
Revoking permissions for a shared algo
To revoke algo sharing permissions:
Open the algo you want to share in ADL.
From the File menu, select Share/Unshare.
Click for the user whose permission you want to revoke.
Click OK.
Changing permissions for a shared algo
To change user permissions for a shared algo:
Open the algo you want to share in ADL.
Revoke algo sharing for the desired user.
Re-share the algo with the user, selecting the new permissions.
Click OK.