Configuring user access to WSE

To enable WSE market data:

  1. Click the Users | Exchanges tab for a user selected in the data grid.
  2. Click the exchange list drop down arrow, and scroll to and select WSE.
  3. Click the Subscriber Market Data tab to allow or deny access to All Market Data available at the exchange.

    If Allow is enabled, click Sessions to set how many simultaneous market data sessions the user can have active using different IP Addresses/Applications. Selecting 0 - Delay Only indicates that the product group is denied in all environments except the delayed environment, which does not have access to real-time market data.

    Note: Any product groups that are disabled have not been authorized for your company. Please contact a Trading Technologies representative to enable them.

    For exchanges that require market data agreements, the following indicators are displayed next to the "Sessions" field:

    • — Indicates the market data agreement has been approved.
    • — Indicates the market data agreement is outstanding or pending approval.

    Tip: Click a market data indicator to open the Agreements tab.

  4. Click the SDK Client Market Data tab to allow or deny access to the market data groups available at the exchange for TT .NET SDK Client Side trading applications.

    If you click Allow to enable a market data group, configure the Sessions field as follows:

    • If using only TT .NET SDK Client Side application keys, then set Sessions equal to the number of application keys you plan to run concurrently.
    • If using only TT .NET SDK Client Side - Non-display application keys, then set Sessions equal to "0" and check the Non-display checkbox, which indicates the market data is for non-display purposes (e.g., black-box algorithm, automated program for calculating P/L, etc.) as defined by the exchange.
    • If using both TT .NET SDK Client Side and TT .NET SDK Client Side - Non-display application keys, then set Sessions equal to the number of TT .NET SDK Client Side application keys that you plan to run concurrently and check the Non-display checkbox.

    If you are distributing the market data externally (e.g., to users outside of your company), check the External Distribution checkbox.

    Note: Any product groups that are disabled have not been authorized for your company. Please contact a Trading Technologies representative to enable them.

  5. Click the FIX and SDK Server Market Data tab to allow or deny access to the market data groups available at the exchange for TT FIX, TT .NET SDK Server Side, and TT Core SDK trading applications.

    If you click Allow to enable a market data group, click Quantity to set the number of users viewing the market data behind the FIX feed or the number of TT .NET SDK Server Side or TT Core SDK applications using the data concurrently.

    If the FIX feed or SDK server-side trading application is for non-display purposes (e.g., black-box algorithm, program for calculating P/L, etc.) as defined by the exchange, click Allow to enable the market data group, set the Quantity, and check Non-display.

    If you are distributing the market data externally (e.g., to users outside of your company), check the External Distribution checkbox.

    Note: Any product groups that are disabled have not been authorized for your company. Please contact a Trading Technologies representative to enable them.

  6. Click Save Changes.