Using the Order Book widget, you can change the price, quantity, account, order type, or
time-in-force of a working order. Simply select an order, modify the order as desired, and click .
You can also raise or lower the price on an order by ticks by clicking the and
buttons. When you use these buttons,
the changes happen immediately.
Note: When you select multiple orders, most buttons would grey out and only these are available for modifying the selected multiple orders: Cancel, Hold/Submit, Tick Up and Tick Down buttons. If all of the selected orders are of the same order type, you can also modify the following fields: Price (including Price Payup), Time-In-Force (TIF) and TextTT.
If the modification requires that you cancel/replace the working order, the Change button displays as and indicates the order will lose its position in queue. The
Cxl/Replace button is displayed when you modify the following:
When selecting a working parent order for a TT Order Type, you can make changes to the parameters for the selected order type directly from the Order Book.
Modify Orders Using Multiple Floating Order tickets The Order Book provides an "Edit order..." right-click context menu on working order rows. This menu item launches a floating order ticket with a single green "Change" button. This feature can be invoked on multiple orders, allowing you to queue up edits for several orders and then individually submit them when desired.
When trading FX Spot instruments, the order quantity controls include a FX Spot Quantity button that allows you to quickly set the numeric quantity to equal the value in thousands (K), millions (M), or the numeric value (blank). Simply click the FX Spot Quantity button to cycle through the options.
When an Order Book is part of a widget group, the toggle button is
displayed in the "view" column for each order row. The button is used for "viewing" filled and partially filled
orders in a grouped widget. When the toggle button is displayed, the checkbox is used for "selecting" an order to
modify or cancel in the grouped Order Book.
The CurrentUser column identifies who is monitoring an order while it's working in the market. When orders are entered by multiple users sharing the same account, this column identifies the user who "last touched" an order.
When you select an order in the Order Book and click the "Current User" button in the Order Toolbar, your alias is displayed in the CurrentUser column. The button is shown by selecting Settings: Order Book | Set Order Toolbar buttons in the right-click context menu.
In the Order Book or orders pane of the Order and Fills widget, you can change the clearing account for working orders and partially or fully filled orders on ASX.
Note: To modify the clearing account, ensure that the Show Exchange Clearing Account edit box setting is enabled in Preferences | Orders.
To modify the clearing account for an order:
To customize order quantity buttons:
When multiple working algo orders of the same order type are selected in the Order Book, you can modify all parameters applicable to that order type in bulk.