This feature is available to preview in the UAT environment. It will be available in the production environment in the near future.
The Cash Balance values are utilized when the Apply pre-trade SPAN margin credit rule has been applied.
Liquidating Value acts as the credit limit for the account and is required to be set.
Intraday Cash Adjustment within the TT Setup GUI can be used for a one-time addition or subtraction credit from an account between any regular updates using file upload or REST API.
The other fields are informational and are used to form the values seen in the Balances Widget.
Cash Balances can be set a number of ways:
Balances can be entered manually on individual Accounts or Risk Groups.
Note The field “Intraday Cash Adjustment” is only available within TT Setup and accepts both positive or negative values and this will be considered as part of the overall credit.
File uploads can be completed manually or set to be updated automatically through connection to your SFTP site. This can be configured in the Auto Uploads section of TT Setup.
For the CSV file format, the file layout must be in the following order: "Account", "SOD Cash", "Currency" etc.
Note When uploading CSV files with a header row, the columns can be in any order but they must be labeled as follows:
“Account”, “SOD Cash”, “Currency”, “Sec Collateral 1”, “Sec Collateral 2”, “Open Trade Equity”, “Long Option Value”, “Short Option Value”, “Liquidating Value”, “Total Equity”, “Initial Margin”, “Maintenance Margin” (additional columns will be ignored).
When uploading CSV files without a header row there must be twelve columns: "Account", "SOD Cash", "Currency" etc in that order.
All other uploaded files must be in the standard format for their file type.
CSV Upload is also available for Risk Groups.