Pre-Trade Portfolio Risk

This feature is available to preview in the UAT environment. It will be available in the production environment in the near future.

Pre-Trade Portfolio Risk

Credit Check Formula

The formula used for the credit check is as follows:

cost = Legacy TT Margin + Portfolio SPAN Margin - Open Trade Equity + Options Premium (filled orders) + Working Long Options Premium

Cost Total credit requirement for the account.
Legacy TT Margin Margin requirement for products in a market which is not enabled for Pre-Trade Portfolio Margin.
Portfolio SPAN Margin Margin requirement for Pre-Trade Portfolio Margin enabled markets, this includes Initial Margin Requirements and the Net Option Value (if applicable).

Open Trade Equity The open trade equity (marked to market P/L) of positions (excluding options margined Equity-Style), is calculated using midpoint.
Options Premium (filled orders) Premium on filled positions for options margined Equity-Style.
Working Long Options Premium Estimated premium for long options margined Equity-Style.

Note If Net Option Value exceeds the value of Initial Margin for orders and positions, a cost-credit is created within the same exchange.