

Eurex Overview

The Eurex Exchange formed in 1998 when DTB (Deutsche Terminbörse) and SOFFEX (Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange) merged to become Eurex (European Exchange) which is operated jointly by Deutsche Börse AG and SWX Swiss Exchange. Eurex offers a full range of products including equity, equity index, volatility index, Exchange Traded Funds®, credit derivatives and interest rate derivatives.

Aside from operating a fully electronic trading platform, Eurex provides an automated and integrated joint Clearing House. Eurex Clearing AG offers central counterparty services for instruments traded on the Eurex exchanges, Eurex Bonds and Eurex Repo as well as the FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Xetra® and floor) and the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE).

Eurex Exchange API

TT® supports the following:

  • Prices: EMDI
  • Orders: ETI

Market Depth

TT supports up to 20 levels of aggregate depth per side and provides the number of orders at each level. The levels of aggregate depth vary per product sent by the exchange and are supported by TT by default. Eurex does not provide detailed depth on their price feed.

Exchange Restrictions

Eurex defines transaction per second limits on high-frequency, high-frequency light, and low-frequency sessions. When the limits are exceeded, the exchange disconnects the session and sends a message to TT, which writes the message to the Audit Trail in the Trade application.

The limit for an HF session is 150 TPS. For LF sessions and HF Light sessions, the limit is 50 TPS. For LF full sessions, the limit is 150 TPS.

Connectivity Options

The TT® platform provides connectivity to the exchange, so you do not have to contact the exchange regarding connectivity options. Refer to TT Access for more details about your connectivity options for connecting to TT.