Used to request quotes from brokers prior to placing an order.
Note: When a FIX client sends a Market Data Request (V) for a given instrument with SubscriptionRequestType=1 to create a market data subscription, that client is automatically subscribed for RFQ messages for that instrument.
From TT FIX to FIX client only. FIX clients cannot submit Quote Requests (RFQs) via the TT Security Data service.
Click the links below to navigate to the documentation for that tag.
Tag # | Field Name | Req’d | Data type | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y |
35=R (MsgType) For additional information about this component group, consult the full documentation. |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | String |
Unique ID for this request. |
146 | NoRelatedSym | Y | NumInGroup |
Number of underlying instruments contained in this repeating group. |
> 55 | Symbol | N | String |
Exchange-provided product symbol for the tradable product. |
> 107 | SecurityDesc | N | String |
Security description. |
> 460 | Product | N | int |
Product type associated with the security. Possible values include:
Note: Sent only in Security Definition (d) and Execution Report (8) messages. |
> 167 | SecurityType | N | String |
Asset class of the instrument. Possible values include:
> 200 | MaturityMonthYear | N | MonthYear |
Month and year the instrument reaches maturity in the format YYYYMM. |
> 541 | MaturityDate | N | LocalMktDate |
Maturity date in format YYYYMMDD. |
>205 | MaturityDay | N | DayOfMonth |
Day of expiration for the instrument. |
> 201 | PutOrCall | C | int |
Whether the option represents a put or call Possible values include:
Condition: Sent when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT. |
> 202 | StrikePrice | C | Price |
Strike price for an option Condition: Sent when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT. |
> 206 | OptAttribute | N | char |
Additional information about the option contract. |
> 18211 | DeliveryTerm | C | char |
Term of delivery for the instrument. TT FIX uses this value to identify contracts that do not have a monthly delivery term. Possible values include:
The following values are only available for EPEX:
Note When Tag 18211 DeliveryTerm equals any value except 'M', 'Y' or 'Q', then you must specify the delivery day/date in Tag 205 MaturityDay or Tag 541 MaturityDate. Condition: Sent when the delivery term is not monthly. |
> 743 | DeliveryDate | N | LocalMktDate |
Date for contract delivery |
> 48 | SecurityID | N | String |
TT security ID that uniquely identifies the instrument in the TT platform. |
> 207 | SecurityExchange | N | Exchange |
Name of the market where the instrument trades. TT FIX uses this value to identify a security. Possible values include:
> 100 | ExDestination | N | Exchange |
Name of the sub-market where the instrument trades. TT FIX uses this value to identify a security. ISO 10383 defines a comprehensive list of MIC codes. |
> 15 | Currency | N | Currency |
ISO-standard symbol for the instrument’s trading currency. |
> 537 | QuoteType | N | int |
Type of quote being requested from counterparty or market Possible values include:
> 54 | Side | N | char |
Side or the order. Possible values include:
> 38 | OrderQty | N | Qty |
Desired order quantity. |
> 44 | Price | N | Price |
Price of the instrument. |
864 | NoEvents | N | NumInGroup |
Number of entries in the event types repeating group |
> 865 | EventType | N | int |
Type of event Possible values include:
The following values are only available for EPEX:
> 866 | EventDate | N | LOCALMKtdATE |
Date the event occurred |
> 1145 | EventTime | N | UTCTIMESTAMP |
Note: This tag is only available for EPEX. Specific time of event. Use in combination with EventDate <866>. |
Y | For additional information about this component group, consult the full documentation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Quote Request (R) message is used to request quotes from brokers prior to placement of an order. This message is commonly referred to as a Request For Quote (RFQ).
Note: When a FIX client sends a Market Data Request (V) for a given instrument with SubscriptionRequestType=1 to create a market data subscription, that client is automatically subscribed for RFQ messages for that instrument.