Using Position Reserve Orders

Using Position Reserve Orders

Position Reserve (PR) orders are discussed in detail in the Position Reserve Orders section. If you plan to utilize them when running as a TT Application Server, you would call the SDKAlgo::ReserveRisk() method, preferably from the strategy's Start() method.

bool TrailingCrossStrategy::Start(ttsdk::SDKAlgoPtr algoOrder, ttsdk::SDKAlgoRequestPtr req)
    // ...

    ttsdk::RiskSide side = ttsdk::RiskSide::Buy;
    if (profile_.side == ttsdk::OrderSide::Sell)
        side = ttsdk::RiskSide::Sell;

    algoOrder->ReserveRisk(algoOrder->GetInstrument(), profile_.account_id, side, profile_.quantity, profile_.quantity);

    // ...

When the request to reserve risk returns, the SDKAlgoManager::OnRiskReserved() method will be called. You can then notify the strategy which made the request as follows:

void SDKAlgoManager::OnRiskReserved(ttsdk::SDKAlgoPtr algoOrder, const uint64_t instrumentId, const uint64_t accountId,
const ttsdk::RiskSide side, const ttsdk::AlgoResponseCode code)
std::cout << "SDKAlgoManager::OnRiskReserved " << algoOrder->GetOrderId() << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr strategy(nullptr);
    std::unique_lock lock(this->mutexStrategies_);
    auto iter = strategies_.find(algoOrder->GetOrderId());
    if (iter != strategies_.end())
        strategy = iter->second;
if (strategy)
    return strategy->OnRiskReserved(instrumentId, accountId, side, code);

To process this call, you must override the BaseStrategy:: OnRiskReserved() method in your specific strategy. For example:

void TrailingCrossStrategy::OnRiskReserved(const uint64_t instrumentId, const uint64_t accountId, const ttsdk::RiskSide side, const ttsdk::AlgoResponseCode code)
    if (code != ttsdk::AlgoResponseCode::Ok)
        ttsdk::TTLogWarning("TrailingCrossStrategy failed to reserve risk for algoId: %s [instrumentId: %llu accountId: %llu side: %s]", GetOrderId(), instrumentId, accountId, ttsdk::ToString(side));
        algoOrder_->FailAlgo("Position reserve request failed.");
        ttsdk::TTLogInfo("TrailingCrossStrategy reserved risk for algoId: %s [instrumentId: %llu accountId: %llu side: %s]", GetOrderId(), instrumentId, accountId, ttsdk::ToString(side));

Similarly, you can then release Position Reserve orders by calling the SDKAlgo::ReleaseRisk() method. You can notify the strategy which made the request in the same way.