

QuikStrike Overview

Introduction to QuikStrike

QuikStrike is TT's comprehensive, easy-to-use, web-based, options analytics tool targeting the futures options market.

When launched, QuikStrike provides a range of advanced features to provide deeper analytics for options traders including:

  • Intraday and End-of-Day Market Data: including settlement pricing and volatility, open interest and volume charts, and block trade listings.
  • Historical Market Data: including settlement history, and pre-strike premium and volatility charts.
  • Flexible Pricing Sheets: display by On-the-Money (OTM) strikes, Calls and/or Puts.
  • Spread Analysis: provides the ability to display Greeks per leg and for the overall strategy.

Contact your TT representative for more information on QuikStrike's features and capabilities.


To enable a users' access to QuikStrike, an administrator must enable both the TT's Advanced Options Package and QuikStrike in Setup. This allows the user to access TT's full suite of options widgets.

For more information on enabling access to TT's Advanced Options Package and QuikStrike, refer to the Enabling the Advanced Options Package section in the Setup help.

Supported Market

QuikStrike currently supports products available through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).