Used to return the current trading status of a security
From a third-party FIX acceptor to a TT FIX Price Gateway
Tag # | Field Name | Req’d | Data type | Comments | |
Component Block <Standard Header> | Y | 35=f (MsgType) | |||
324 | SecurityStatusReqID | Y | String |
Unique ID sent in the Security Status Request (e) message The third party FIX acceptor must return this value in all responses associated with the initial request. |
326 | SecurityTradingStatus | Y | int |
Current status of the security Possible values include:
58 | Text | C | String |
Additional information about the message Send if the third-party FIX acceptor needs to convey additional information. |
Component Block: Instrument | Y |
Instrument associated with this Security Status (f) message |
Component Block <Standard Trailer> | Y |
The Security Status (f) message is used by a third-party FIX acceptor to respond to a Security Status Request (e) message from a TT FIX Price Gateway. The message indicates the current trading status of an instrument.