Used by a third-party FIX acceptor to send contract information in response to a Security Definition Request (c) message
From a third-party FIX acceptor to the TT FIX Price Gateway
Tag # | Field Name | Req’d | Data type | Comments | |||
Component: Standard Header | Y | 35=d (MsgType) | |||||
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | String |
Unique ID sent in the Security Definition Request (c) message The third party FIX acceptor must return this value in all responses associated with the initial request. |
322 | SecurityResponseID | Y | int |
Unique ID for this Security Definition (d) message |
Component: Instrument | Y |
Instrument associated with this message |
167 | SecurityType | Y | String |
Asset class of the instrument Possible values include:
200 | MaturityMonthYear | C | MonthYear |
Month and year the instrument reaches maturity in the format YYYYMM Condition: Send when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is not MLEG. |
541 | MaturityDate | Y | LocalMktDate |
Maturity date in format YYYYMMDD Note: The instrument name that displayed on the TT front end is a combination of the values provided in tag 55 (Symbol) and tag 541 (MaturityDate). For example, if tag 55 = ABC and tag 541 = 20260215, the TT front end will show ABC Feb26. |
18211 | DeliveryTerm | C | char |
Term of delivery for the instrument The third-party FIX acceptor should use this value to identify contracts that do not have a monthly delivery term. Possible values include:
Condition: Send when the delivery term is not monthly. |
201 | PutOrCall | C | int |
Whether the option represents a put or call Possible values include:
Condition: Send when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT. |
202 | StrikePrice | C | Price |
Strike price for an option Condition: Send when Tag 167 (SecurityType) is OPT. |
15 | Currency | Y | Currency |
ISO-standard symbol for the instrument’s trading currency |
16451 | PriceDisplayType | N | int |
Price code for indicating how TT formats the price for display purposes in the Trade app. |
Component: Security Alt ID Group |
Repeating group of alternate security IDs this multi-leg instrument |
454 | NoSecurityAltID | C | int |
Number of alternate security IDs contained in this repeating group Condition: Send when there are one or more alternate security IDs. |
455 | SecurityAltID | C | String |
Alternate ID for an instrument or security, typically for display purposes Condition: Send when tag 454 (NoSecurityAltId) > 0. |
456 | SecurityAltIDSource | C | String |
Class or source of the SecurityAltID (455) value Possible values include:
Condition: Send when tag 454 (NoSecurityAltId) > 0. |
Component: Leg Instrument Group |
Repeating group of legs for a multileg instrument The leg instrument group component block uses the same structure as the instrument component block sent from a third-party FIX acceptor to a FIX Price Gateway, except that all of its tags represent the legs of an exchange-traded strategy. For example, instead of Tag 55 (Symbol) this block contains Tag 600 (LegSymbol). |
555 | NoLegs | C | int |
Number of legs in the repeating group Can be zero (e.g. standardized multileg instrument such as an Option strategy). The value must be provided even if zero. Condition: Send when the value of tag 167 (SecurityType) is MLEG. |
Component: Leg Instrument | |||||||
600 | LegSymbol | C | String |
Leg instrument's symbol Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
602 | LegSecurityId | C | String |
ID that uniquely identifies an instrument The value must match one of the IDs provided in response to the Security Definition Request (c) made at connection initiation. Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
609 | LegSecurityType | C | String |
Instrument's security type Possible values include:
Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
610 | LegSecurityMonthYear | C | MonthYear |
Leg instrument's MaturityMonthYear Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0 and when tag 609 (LegSecurityType) is not MLEG. |
611 | LegMaturityDate | Y | LocalMktDate |
Leg instrument's MaturityDate |
18212 | LegDeliveryTerm | C | char |
Term of delivery for the leg instrument The third-party FIX acceptor should use this value to identify contracts that do not have a monthly delivery term. Possible values include:
Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0 and the delivery term is not monthly. |
1358 | LegPutOrCall | C | int |
Whether the option represents a put or call Possible values include:
Condition: Send when when Tag 609 (LegSecurityType) is OPT. |
612 | LegStrikePrice | C | Price |
Leg instrument's StrikePrice Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0 0 and when tag 609 (LegSecurityType) is OPT. |
556 | LegCurrency | C | Currency |
Currency associated with a particular leg's price Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
624 | LegSide | C | char |
Side of this individual leg (multi-leg security) Possible values include:
Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
623 | LegRatioQty | C | Qty |
The value represents one of the following:
Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0. |
566 | LegPrice | C | Price |
Price of the leg for a multi-leg instrument Condition: Send when Tag 555 (NoLegs) > 0 and Tag 623 (LegRatioQty) represents the delta for a covered strategy. |
393 | TotalNumSecurities | Y | int |
Number of securities that match the Security Definition Request (c) message |
231 | ContractMultiplier | Y | float |
Specifies the ratio or multiply factor to convert from "nominal" units (e.g. contracts) to total units (e.g. shares) (e.g. 1.0, 100, 1000, etc) |
969 | MinPriceIncrement | Y | decimal |
Size of one tick for this instrument |
1146 | MinPriceIncrementAmount | Y | decimal |
Value of one tick for this instrument |
864 | NoEvents | Y | NumInGroup |
Number of EventType entries in the repeating group Currently, TT FIX Gateway uses this group only for the Last Trade Date of the security. Therefore, send 864=1. |
865 | EventType | Y | int |
Code to represent the type of event TT supports only value 6 (Inactivation) to represent the Last Trade Date |
866 | EventDate | Y | LocalMktDate |
Last Trade Date for the security |
867 | EventPx | N | Price |
Predetermined price of issue at event, if applicable Note: TT FIX Gateway does not currently use this tag. |
868 | EventText | N | String |
Comments related to the event Note: TT FIX Gateway does not currently use this tag. |
762 | SecuritySubType | C | String |
Exchange-listed strategy type Possible values include:
Condition: Send only when tag 167="MLEG". |
Component: Standard Trailer | Y |
The Security Definition (d) message is used to send information about an exchange-listed instrument. The third-party FIX acceptor sends one or more of these messages to a TT FIX Price Gateway in response to a Security Definition Request (c). A security definition contains all standing data at the markets.. The third-party FIX acceptor should send Security Definition (d) messages for all contracts and send new Security Definition (d) messages if any of the contract details, such as tick size, change.