RFQ with Counterparties

RFQ with Counterparties

RFQ with Counterparties Display

The RFQ with Counterparties display consists of the following:

  1. Instrument — Displays the currently selected instrument for the RFQ. You can click the instrument name to select a different instrument. When the opened for the first time, the widget displays a Select a Contract button to allow you to open the instrument explorer.
  2. RFQ Quantity — sets the quantity value for the RFQ.
  3. Buy Side Info — Optional freeform text field that allows you to add identification information to the counterparties when sending an RFQ. This value is forwarded as FIX tag 22011 PartyOrderOriginationTrader.
  4. Buy/Sell button — Allows you to set whether to submit the RFQ as either Buy, Sell or Both Buy/Sell.
  5. Firm/Indicative button — Sets whether the quote price may be changed prior to execution (Indicative) or if the quote price will equal the execution price (Firm).
  6. Counterparties List — Shows all counterparties that will receive the RFQ. You can add additional counterparties by using the Add Counterparties () button. You can also configure preset groups of counterparties using the Counterparties Manager widget.
  7. Add Counterparties () button — Adds additional counterparties to the RFQ.
  8. Cancel/Submit buttons — Used to either Cancel or Submit the RFQ. Once submitted, the RFQ appears, with responses, in the RFQ Viewer.