Users may allocate selected filled orders to multiple trading accounts using the Allocation pane in the Orders and Fills widget.
For example, users can allocate fills in the following scenarios:
Note See also: FIX Drop Copy Support
To access the allocation pane, right-click the Order Book pane in the Order and Fills widget and select the Show Allocation Pane option in the context menu. Select the desired filled orders in the Order Book pane using the "eyeball" button () in the "Watch" column.
Note: The eyeball button is used for viewing filled and partially filled orders in the bottom panes. In the Order Book pane, the checkbox is used for "selecting" an order to modify or cancel.
To allocate fills:
Press the Add Account button
Note: You can set a specific number of rows to automatically open by adding a value in the Auto Rows field. Once set, pressing the Add Account button will automatically add the same number of rows as set in the Auto Row field
The description text appears in the Account dropdown for all accounts, if configured in Setup. This helps to quickly narrow a long list of accounts with just a few search keystrokes.
Note: Setting a new account in the allocation pane updates the account across your workspace unless you select the 'Ignore Account list broadcast' in the context menu.
Select the new account in the Account field or select the profile in the ProfileName field.
Note: Selecting a profile will filter the Account list to just those accounts assigned to that profile in Setup.
Press the Release button to complete the allocation process and generate the fill records for the selected account(s). This pushes the updated fills to the TT system.
Warning: You cannot alter/delete the newly created fills from the TT system once they are released. Changes must be made outside of the TT system.
You can verify the allocation and view the status of the fills using the Allocated, the Release, the AllocQty, and the Alloc % columns in both the Order and Fills panes.
You may use the Allocation Pane to select multiple orders and roll them up into a single 'parent' order. For example, you may have multiple orders in the same contract that are filled at different prices throughout the day. With account allocation, you can combine those orders into a single record and report it with the average price.
To combine multiple orders:
In the Orders Pane, click the watch button next to the orders you would like to combine.
The selected orders appear in both the Fills Pane and the Allocation Pane.
In the Account column, select the desired account in each order row.
Note: Even when combining orders, you may select a different account in each order row.
Press the Release button to send the updated records into the TT system.
Warning: You cannot alter/delete the newly created fills from the TT system once they are released.
You can verify the allocation and view the status of the fills using the Allocated, the Release, the AllocQty, and the Alloc % columns in both the Order and Fills panes.
You may use the Allocation Pane to import and execute allocation instructions from a .csv file, spreadsheet, or even a simple text file. However, you must ensure the following when setting up the allocation instructions file.
The format of the spreadsheet may contain as many columns as desired. However, it must include two columns, separated by commas, that map Quantity and the Account. TT supports up to 200 rows per file. The file does not need a header row.
To import allocation instructions from a file:
In the allocation instruction file, highlight just the quantity and account values. Do not include any header columns or rows.
Right-click on the highlighted cells and select Copy. You can now apply these instructions to the order.
In the Allocation Pane, right-click on the desired order and select Paste Allocation Instructions.
New rows appear under the original order row with a single row for each row in the file. In addition, the quantity and accounts should match the file.
Note: You must ensure the accounts must be valid for this order and the order profile, if configured.
Press the Release button to complete the allocation process and generate the fill records for the selected account(s). This pushes the updated fills to the TT system.
Warning: You cannot alter/delete the newly created fills from the TT system once they are released.