TT Trade Surveillance

Analyzing trading activity using data visualizations

Analyzing trading activity using data visualizations

TT Trade Surveillance provides you the ability to identify potentially problematic trading activity, review that activity from a variety of perspectives and then record your review of that activity.

Once you have selected your data, TT Trade Surveillance organizes this data into clusters. You then choose a grouping method for organizing these clusters into groups or select a view that groups your clusters automatically. With your clusters now grouped, you can use TT Trade Surveillance data visualizations to review the selected data at three different layers of depth:

  • Groups of clusters
  • List of clusters in a cluster group
  • Individual cluster

Cluster Group review

Using the cluster group views listed below, you examine each group of clusters to determine which of them require further review. Cluster Group reviews are conducted using the following views:

Cluster List review

After you have identified a problematic cluster group, you review the list of individual clusters within that group to determine which clusters require further examination. Cluster list reviews are performed using the Cluster List.

Cluster review

You can click Inspect in the Cluster List to examine an individual cluster and review the workflow actions taken by the trader in the context of the market conditions at the time. Cluster reviews are conducted using the Cluster Scorecard.

The Cluster Scorecard provides detailed information about the cluster activity and score. From the scorecard, you can use the Market Ladder Replay to view the trader's activity in the context of market conditions.

Tip: When clicking View Individual Clusters or the Cluster List icon to navigate back to the Cluster List, TT Trade Surveillance scrolls to the last inspected cluster and highlights it blue.