TT CORE SDK documentation
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ttsdk::OrderProfile Struct Reference

Definition of an order to provide when submitting. More...

#include <order.h>

Public Types

enum class  Instruction { Work = 0 , Hold = 1 }

Public Attributes

uint64_t request_id = 0
uint64_t price_subscription_id = 0
OrderType type = OrderType::NotSet
uint64_t expire_date = 0
OrderSide side = OrderSide::NotSet
TimeInForce tif = TimeInForce::NotSet
uint64_t account_id = 0
uint32_t order_tag_default_id = 0
char clearing_acct_override [128] = {0}
double price = NAN
double trigger_price = NAN
double quantity = NAN
double display_quantity = NAN
double minimum_quantity = NAN
char text [128] = { 0 }
char text_a [128] = { 0 }
char text_b [128] = { 0 }
char text_c [128] = { 0 }
char text_tt [128] = { 0 }
char sender_sub_id [128] = { 0 }
bool leave_on_restart = true
ttsdk::UserDisconnectAction user_disconnect_action = ttsdk::UserDisconnectAction::NotSet
ttsdk::MarketId colocation = ttsdk::MarketId::NotSet
 colocation value for algo orders
std::vector< ttsdk::UserParameterparams
 specific parameters to set on outgoing algo orders
std::vector< uint64_tleg_account_ids
 Specific for ASE spreads to set accounts on different legs. The accounts are set sequentially as provided in the vector.
Instruction instruction = Instruction::Work
uint64_t server_price_time = 0
 Price Server timestamp (mdrc_recv_time);.
uint64_t order_stimulus_received = 0
 User listener timestamp (order_stimulus_receieved_oc)

Detailed Description

Definition of an order to provide when submitting.

Definition at line 58 of file order.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Instruction


Definition at line 60 of file order.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ account_id

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::account_id = 0

Definition at line 72 of file order.h.

◆ clearing_acct_override

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::clearing_acct_override[128] = {0}

Definition at line 74 of file order.h.

◆ colocation

ttsdk::MarketId ttsdk::OrderProfile::colocation = ttsdk::MarketId::NotSet

colocation value for algo orders

Definition at line 97 of file order.h.

◆ display_quantity

double ttsdk::OrderProfile::display_quantity = NAN

Definition at line 78 of file order.h.

◆ expire_date

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::expire_date = 0

Definition at line 69 of file order.h.

◆ instruction

Instruction ttsdk::OrderProfile::instruction = Instruction::Work

Definition at line 102 of file order.h.

◆ leave_on_restart

bool ttsdk::OrderProfile::leave_on_restart = true

indicator to the SDK whether or not to cancel this order if it is working when the SDK restarts. applicable only if the TTSDKOptions.sdkInstanceId is set when the SDK is initialize the TTSDKOptions.sdk_instance_id needs to remain the same from run to run to remove the orders placed by the previous run

Definition at line 90 of file order.h.

◆ leg_account_ids

std::vector<uint64_t> ttsdk::OrderProfile::leg_account_ids

Specific for ASE spreads to set accounts on different legs. The accounts are set sequentially as provided in the vector.

Definition at line 101 of file order.h.

◆ minimum_quantity

double ttsdk::OrderProfile::minimum_quantity = NAN

Definition at line 79 of file order.h.

◆ order_stimulus_received

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::order_stimulus_received = 0

User listener timestamp (order_stimulus_receieved_oc)

Definition at line 108 of file order.h.

◆ order_tag_default_id

uint32_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::order_tag_default_id = 0

Definition at line 73 of file order.h.

◆ params

std::vector<ttsdk::UserParameter> ttsdk::OrderProfile::params

specific parameters to set on outgoing algo orders

Definition at line 99 of file order.h.

◆ price

double ttsdk::OrderProfile::price = NAN

Definition at line 75 of file order.h.

◆ price_subscription_id

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::price_subscription_id = 0

Definition at line 67 of file order.h.

◆ quantity

double ttsdk::OrderProfile::quantity = NAN

Definition at line 77 of file order.h.

◆ request_id

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::request_id = 0

Definition at line 66 of file order.h.

◆ sender_sub_id

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::sender_sub_id[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 85 of file order.h.

◆ server_price_time

uint64_t ttsdk::OrderProfile::server_price_time = 0

Price Server timestamp (mdrc_recv_time);.

Time variables which can be populated to store on the outbound order for performance measuring of order reactions to price updates

Definition at line 107 of file order.h.

◆ side

OrderSide ttsdk::OrderProfile::side = OrderSide::NotSet

Definition at line 70 of file order.h.

◆ text

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::text[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 80 of file order.h.

◆ text_a

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::text_a[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 81 of file order.h.

◆ text_b

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::text_b[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 82 of file order.h.

◆ text_c

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::text_c[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 83 of file order.h.

◆ text_tt

char ttsdk::OrderProfile::text_tt[128] = { 0 }

Definition at line 84 of file order.h.

◆ tif

TimeInForce ttsdk::OrderProfile::tif = TimeInForce::NotSet

Definition at line 71 of file order.h.

◆ trigger_price

double ttsdk::OrderProfile::trigger_price = NAN

Definition at line 76 of file order.h.

◆ type

OrderType ttsdk::OrderProfile::type = OrderType::NotSet

Definition at line 68 of file order.h.

◆ user_disconnect_action

ttsdk::UserDisconnectAction ttsdk::OrderProfile::user_disconnect_action = ttsdk::UserDisconnectAction::NotSet

BETA FEATURE - This is part of the beta support of Algos in the CORE SDK and is subject to change based on user feedback. Please make note of this if you choose to use it. disconnect action for ADL and ASE/AGG orders.

Definition at line 95 of file order.h.

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