Audit Trail

Audit Trail

Filtering the contents of the Audit Trail

You can click the arrow next to the column name to access filters for the column values.

Message types

You can filter the list based on the following message types.

Message type Description
CancelReject Indicates a request to cancel an order was rejected
CancelReplaceRequest Acknowledges a request to change an existing order
CancelRequest Acknowledges a request to cancel an order
CrossRequest Indicates a request to submit a cross trade
CrossRequestResponse Represents the completed cross trade
ExecutionReport Provides order status information, such as order confirmations, fills, and order status updates
NewOrderSingle Acknowledges a request for a new order
News Represents alerts from TT or an exchange
PositionModification Indicates a risk administrator modified your position with a manual fill or start-of-day record.
SecurityDefinition Represents the details for an instrument
SecurityDefinitionRequest Indicates a request to create a new instrument with an exchange
TradeCaptureReport Represents the details of an OTC trade
TradeCaptureReportAck Acknowledges a request to report an OTC trade

Execution types

You can filter the list based on the following execution types.

Message type Description
Calculated Indicates a summary of the total amount done and the monetary components of a block-level trade
Canceled Indicates a canceled order
Done For Day Indicates a GTD order was canceled because the session ended
Expired Indicates the order was canceled because its TIF passed
New Indicates a new order entered into the market
Order Status Indicates an execution report represents an order status update
Pending Cancel Indicates an order cancel request is waiting to be processed
Pending New Indicates a new order request is waiting to be processed
Pending Replace Indicates an order cancel/replace request is waiting to be processed
Rejected Indicates an order request was rejected
Replaced Indicates an existing order was successfully replaced
Restated Indicates that an unsolicited change to an order occurred
Stopped Indicates an algo has been stopped
Suspended Indicates an algo has been paused
Trade Indicates a completed OTC trade
Trade Cancel Indicates an OTC trade was canceled
Trade Clearing Hold Indicates an OTC trade is being held until cleared
Trade Correct Indicates an OTC correction to a previous trade
Trade Released To Clearing Indicates an OTC trade was send to the clearing firm
Triggered or Activated Indicates an algo or order trigger, such as a start time, occurred