ASX Overview

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is the result of the 2006 merger that made ASX Group the ninth largest listed exchange in the world. ASX has been a fully electronic exchange since 1999. As of March 20, 2017, the Exchange migrated to the ASX NTP platform, which uses ASX MDP (ITCH) for prices and FIX 5.0 API for order routing.

Matching Engine

The matching engine is located in the Australian Liquidity Centre (ALC), Australia’s only data center dedicated to the financial markets community.

ASX Exchange API

TT® supports the following:

  • Prices: ASX Market Data Protocol (NTP, ITCH)
  • Orders: FIX 5.0

Cancel on Disconnect

TT supports the exchange's Cancel on Disconnect functionality. By default, if a session disconnects from the ALC LCC or ASX NET GiC, orders will not be purged. Refer to Adding an ASX connection to configure whether or not to purge Day, GTC, or GTD orders when there is a session disconnect.

Connectivity Options

The TT® platform provides connectivity to the exchange, so you do not have to contact the exchange regarding connectivity options. Refer to TT Access for more details about your connectivity options for connecting to TT.