Using Python with TT .NET SDK Client Side
To support integrating Python with TT .NET SDK Client Side applications, one option is to use the IronPython implementation of the Python programming language. IronPython supports the ability to import and utilize any .NET DLL.
To begin using Python with TT .NET SDK Client Side, use the following procedure:
Navigate to and download the latest version of IronPython.
Download the TT .NET SDK Client Side DLL from NuGet via Visual Studio or download the DLL manually. For more information, refer to the section called Referencing the DLL.
Import the TT .NET Client Side DLL into your Python code using the following import command:
import clr
from tt_net_sdk import *
The sample code snippet below shows how to simply call the TT .NET SDK Client Side functionality inside a Python script. The sample submits an order that follows the bid.
from System import Action
import sys
import clr
from tt_net_sdk import *
m_api = None
m_instrument = None
m_ts = None
m_isOrderBookDownloaded = 0
m_orderKey = None
def m_ts_OrderBookDownload(sender, e):
print ("OrderBookDownload complete...")
global m_isOrderBookDownloaded
m_isOrderBookDownloaded = 1
def m_ts_OrderAdded(sender, e):
print ("Order added: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderDeleted(sender, e):
print ("Order deleted: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderFilled(sender, e):
print ("Order filled: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderRejected(sender, e):
print ("Order rejected: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderUpdated(sender, e):
print ("Order updated: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderStatusUnknown(sender, e):
print ("Order status unknown: " + e.ToString())
def m_ts_OrderTimeout(sender, e):
print ("Order timed out: " + e.ToString())
def m_priceSubscription_FieldsUpdated(sender, e):
global m_orderKey
global m_isOrderBookDownloaded
global m_ts
if e.Error is None:
if e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value != None and m_isOrderBookDownloaded == 1:
if m_orderKey == None:
op = OrderProfile(m_instrument)
op.Account = m_api.DefaultAccount
op.BuySell = BuySell.Buy
op.OrderType = OrderType.Limit
op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromDecimal(m_instrument, 10)
op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value
if m_ts.SendOrder(op) == False:
print ("Send new order Failed!!")
m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey
print ("Sent new order key = " + op.SiteOrderKey)
elif m_ts.Orders.ContainsKey(m_orderKey) and m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].LimitPrice != e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value:
op = m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].GetOrderProfile()
op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value
op.Action = OrderAction.Change
if m_ts.SendOrder(op) == False:
print ("Sent order update failed!!")
print ("Send change order succeeded.")
def m_api_TTAPIStatusUpdate(sender, e):
if e.IsReady :
print ("Ready...")
print ("Look up instrument...")
m_instrLookupRequest = InstrumentLookup(Dispatcher.Current, MarketId.CME, ProductType.Future,"CL","CL Dec19")
e2 = m_instrLookupRequest.Get()
if e2 == ProductDataEvent.Found:
global m_instrument
m_instrument = m_instrLookupRequest.Instrument
print ("Instrument found...")
global m_ts
m_ts = TradeSubscription(Dispatcher.Current)
m_ts.OrderBookDownload += m_ts_OrderBookDownload
m_ts.OrderAdded += m_ts_OrderAdded
m_ts.OrderDeleted += m_ts_OrderDeleted
m_ts.OrderFilled += m_ts_OrderFilled
m_ts.OrderUpdated += m_ts_OrderUpdated
m_ts.OrderUpdated += m_ts_OrderStatusUnknown
m_ts.OrderUpdated += m_ts_OrderTimeout
m_priceSubsciption = PriceSubscription(m_instrLookupRequest.Instrument, Dispatcher.Current)
m_priceSubsciption.Settings = PriceSubscriptionSettings(PriceSubscriptionType.MarketDepth)
m_priceSubsciption.FieldsUpdated += m_priceSubscription_FieldsUpdated
print ("Cannot find instrument: " + e.ToString())
def ttNetApiInitHandler(api, ex):
if ex is None:
global m_api
m_api = api
api.TTAPIStatusUpdate += m_api_TTAPIStatusUpdate
print ("TT.NET SDK Initialization Failed: " + ex.Message)
def Init():
opt = TTAPIOptions(ServiceEnvironment.UatCert,"7601b8a0-dd23-2a8a-ee52-3712c53841d4:9ad4a302-5577-45c3-11db-6138b2757cca",5000)
apiInitializeHandler = ApiInitializeHandler(ttNetApiInitHandler)
TTAPI.CreateTTAPI(Dispatcher.Current, opt, apiInitializeHandler)
m_disp = Dispatcher.AttachWorkerDispatcher()
For more information on the various commands and syntax, refer to the IronPython Documentation.
Note: TT does not provide support for specific Python implementations.