TT CORE SDK documentation
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3* Unpublished Work Copyright (c) 2019-2020
4* Trading Technologies International, Inc.
5* All Rights Reserved Worldwide
7* * * * S T R I C T L Y P R O P R I E T A R Y * * *
9* WARNING: This program (or document) is unpublished, proprietary property
10* of Trading Technologies International, Inc. and is to be maintained in
11* strict confidence. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or disclosure
12* of this program (or document), or any program (or document) derived from
13* it is prohibited by State and Federal law, and by local law outside of
14* the U.S.
18* This file is auto generated - do not modify by hand.
19* Run the auto generation against the message template files.
20* Generated from messaging\order\enums.proto
21* Package tt.messaging.order.enums
24#pragma once
26namespace ttsdk
28 enum class CxlRejReason
29 {
30 NotSet = -1,
31 Unknown = 0,
33 UnknownOrder = 2,
34 Broker = 3,
39 Other = 8,
47 UnknownAccount = 16,
48 ExchangeClosed = 17,
50 StaleOrder = 19,
51 MessagePending = 20,
52 RoutingError = 21,
58 MarketClosed = 27,
67 OrderNotInBook = 36,
68 OrderNotInBook2 = 37,
70 UnknownContract = 39,
74 DifferentSide = 43,
75 DifferentGroup = 44,
78 DifferentQty = 47,
94 OrderQtyTooLow = 63,
95 OrderRejected = 64,
112 EuronextOther = 81,
113 CompIdProblem = 82,
114 LogonProblem = 83,
117 InvalidPrice = 86,
118 InvalidOrdqty = 87,
119 InvalidOrdtype = 88,
120 InvalidSide = 89,
121 FullyFilled = 90,
122 PendingReplace = 91,
123 PendingCancel = 92,
133 LbmSendFailure = 102,
135 ServerOverload = 104,
136 PendingNew = 105,
139 InvalidSecurityId = 109,
142 };
144 inline const char* ToString(const CxlRejReason value)
145 {
146 switch (value)
147 {
149 return "NotSet";
151 return "Unknown";
153 return "TooLateToCancel";
155 return "UnknownOrder";
157 return "Broker";
159 return "OrderAlreadyInPendingCancelOrPendingReplaceStatus";
161 return "UnableToProcessOrderMassCancelRequest";
163 return "Origordmodtime";
165 return "DuplicateClordid";
167 return "Other";
169 return "InvalidPriceIncrement";
171 return "PriceExceedsCurrentPrice";
173 return "PriceExceedsCurrentPriceBand";
175 return "UnableToReduceForInternalization";
177 return "UnsupportedOrderCharacteristic";
179 return "IncorrectQuantity";
181 return "IncorrectAllocatedQuantity";
183 return "UnknownAccount";
185 return "ExchangeClosed";
187 return "OrderExceedsLimit";
189 return "StaleOrder";
191 return "MessagePending";
193 return "RoutingError";
195 return "OrderRetransmitted";
197 return "InvalidInvestorId";
199 return "SurveillenceOption";
201 return "OrderNotInBookLongEnough";
203 return "CannotForceDeleteUnknownOrder";
205 return "MarketClosed";
207 return "FixFieldMissingOrIncorrect";
209 return "RequiredFieldMissing";
211 return "FixFieldIncorrect";
213 return "PriceMustBeGreaterThanZero";
215 return "InvalidOrderQualifier";
217 return "UserNotAuthorized";
219 return "MarketOrdersNotSupportedByOpposite";
221 return "InvalidExpireDate";
223 return "OrderNotInBook";
225 return "OrderNotInBook2";
227 return "DisclosedQtyCannotBeGreater";
229 return "UnknownContract";
231 return "CancelWithDifferentSenderCompId";
233 return "ClordidDifferentThanCorrelationclordid";
235 return "ClordidDifferentThanOriginalclordid";
237 return "DifferentSide";
239 return "DifferentGroup";
241 return "DifferentSecurityType";
243 return "DifferentAccount";
245 return "DifferentQty";
247 return "CancelWithDifferentTraderId";
249 return "StopPriceMustBeGreater";
251 return "StopPriceMustBeSmaller";
253 return "SellStopPriceMustBeBelowLtp";
255 return "BuyStopPriceMustBeAboveLtp";
257 return "DifferentProduct";
259 return "DifferentInflightFillMitigation";
261 return "ModifyWithDifferentSenderCompId";
263 return "ModifyWithDifferentTraderId";
265 return "OrderQtyOutsideAllowableRange";
267 return "InvalidOrderTypeForPcp";
269 return "OrderPriceOutsideLimits";
271 return "OrderPriceOutsideBands";
273 return "InvalidOrderTypeForGroup";
275 return "InstrumentCrossRequestInProgress";
277 return "OrderQtyTooLow";
279 return "OrderRejected";
281 return "MarketInNoCancel";
283 return "InvalidOrderTypeForReservedMarket";
285 return "OrderSessionDateInPast";
287 return "DisclosedQtyCannotBeSmaller";
289 return "MarketMakerProtectionHasTripped";
291 return "EngineDidNotRespond";
293 return "ContractNotGtcGtdEligible";
295 return "ContractPastExpiration";
297 return "MaxContractWorkingQtyExceeded";
299 return "ModifyWithDifferentSide";
301 return "ContractNotGtcGtdEligible2";
303 return "NoTradingCalendarForExpireDate";
305 return "ExpireDateBeyondInstrumentExpiration";
307 return "ExpireDateBeyondLegInstrumentExpiration";
309 return "TechnicalErrorFunctionNotPerformed";
311 return "EuronextUnknownOrder";
313 return "EuronextOther";
315 return "CompIdProblem";
317 return "LogonProblem";
319 return "NoRouterForSecurityGroup";
321 return "RouterNotAvailableOrConnected";
323 return "InvalidPrice";
325 return "InvalidOrdqty";
327 return "InvalidOrdtype";
329 return "InvalidSide";
331 return "FullyFilled";
333 return "PendingReplace";
335 return "PendingCancel";
337 return "CleanupPendingAction";
339 return "PendingOrderRejectedDueToResend";
341 return "StagedOrderCancelRejectedByClaimant";
343 return "StagedOrderReplaceRejectedByClaimant";
345 return "StaleStagedOrderReplaceAcceptedByClaimant";
347 return "StagedOrderNewPendingRequestArrived";
349 return "AotcProcessingAlreadyInProgress";
351 return "AotcCrossesOrderInSameAccount";
353 return "AotcCrossesOrderThatCannotBeCancelled";
355 return "LbmSendFailure";
357 return "NoPriceSubForDeviationCalc";
359 return "ServerOverload";
361 return "PendingNew";
363 return "OrderExceedsThrottleLimit";
365 return "TtsmpChangeNotSupported";
367 return "InvalidSecurityId";
369 return "UnknownMarketSegmentId";
371 return "FieldMissingOrIncorrect";
372 default:
373 return "Unknown";
374 }
375 }
@ ExpireDateBeyondInstrumentExpiration
@ StaleStagedOrderReplaceAcceptedByClaimant
@ ClordidDifferentThanCorrelationclordid
@ OrderAlreadyInPendingCancelOrPendingReplaceStatus
@ AotcCrossesOrderThatCannotBeCancelled
@ ExpireDateBeyondLegInstrumentExpiration
@ StagedOrderReplaceRejectedByClaimant
@ UnableToProcessOrderMassCancelRequest
const char * ToString(const AccountConnectionStatus::ConnectionStatus status)
Definition connection.h:50
@ NotSet
Definition environment.h:7