LISA Frontends can be setup to use Windows Authentication. At a high level, the LISA Frontend will query the current logged-in Windows user and pass this information (example: DOMAIN\JOHN.DOE) to the LISA Server. This will then query the list of users that have this information setup on the Users General tab under Login NT field. If any users have this information, the users will be authenticated to access the LISA Frontend. This does require that the user frontend is setup with the setting enabled on their local machine in the LISAFrontend.ini [Module Settings] LoginNtAuthentication=True.
Another level of authorization that does Windows Domain level authentication, is to setup the connection string to be a trusted connection. A connection made using Windows Authentication is sometimes called a trusted connection, because SQL Server trusts the credentials provided by Windows. This is done under the LISAFrontend.ini [Env_n] ConnectionString setting, further details on this can be found in the LISA Frontend Installation Guide.pdf. This will effectively carry out the standard authenticate to the LISA server, however, when it logs into the database (Note LISA frontend cannot launch without DB access), it will pass the windows principle token from the client machine to the SQL server, which it verifies with the domain controller. This trusted authentication of the user by the domain controller, ensures the current windows users is part of the trusted users set and permits access to the database without having to send a password to the SQL server. This mode allows for the deployment of your standard domain policies to restrict access to this database resource.
By using Windows Authentication, Windows groups can be created at the domain level, and a login can be created on SQL Server for the entire group. Managing access from at the domain level can simplify account administration.
To find out move about trusted connection strings please see the following link:
Example of a trusted connection string: