User Setup

User Setup

LISA General Tab

General Tab

The General Tab is the only one which is mandatory to fill to create a user. It allows you to define the general parameters of the user.

Follow these steps to define the user's general parameters:

  1. Enter a login*: This is the login users must enter to log into LISA. This login is not case sensitive.
  2. Enter a name.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Enter the password*: This is the password users must enter to log into LISA. This password is case sensitive.
  5. Confirm the Password*.
  6. If you don't want the user to log into LISA, check the box User is disabled.
  7. If you want the user to choose his own password, check the box Force user to change password at next logon.
  8. Select a Login Policy profile. To create a Login Policy profile, refer to Login Policy Setup.
  9. Check the type of user you want to create.
  10. Click on the [Add] button to create the user or click on another tab to continue its configuration.
  11. Note The fields followed by * are mandatory. Please see table above that explain each field.

Profiles Tab

The Profiles Tab allows you to assign a predefined profile to a user. The user will have all the permissions defined in the profile.

Follow these steps to assign a profile to a user:

  1. Select one of the profiles defined in the left Available list.
  2. Click on the [>>] button to add the profile to the Selected list.
  3. If you want to remove a profile from a user, select it from the Selected list on the right and click on the [<<] button.
  4. Click on the [Add] button to create the user or click on another tab to continue its configuration.