User Setup

User Setup

LISA Filtering Tab

Filtering Tab

Using this section will restrict the user or profile from gaining access to data within the LISA Frontend based on filter criteria defined in the area sections.

Follow these steps to add filters to a user or profile:

  1. Click on the plus (+) next to the Account section.
  2. This will open a new windows Add Account Filtering Rule.
  3. Enter the value in the text boxes to restrict visibility to specific accounts. Wildcards are permissible when defining your value.
  4. Click [Add].
  5. Add Order Filtering Rule click on the plus (+) in the Order Section. This will open a new window called Add Order Filtering Rule
  6. Note All orders matched to visible trades: may have a performance impact on the LISA Frontend. It will also display all related orders despite the filter defined above.

  7. Enter the value in the text boxes to restrict visibility to specific orders. Wildcards are permissible when defining your value.
  8. Note The account group field allows you to filter orders based on an Account Group name

  9. Click [Add].
  10. To add a Trade based filter value click on the plus (+) in the Trade section. This will open a new window called Add Trade Filtering Rule.
  11. Enter the value to restrict visibility to specific trades. Wildcards are permissible when defining your value.
  12. Note The trader group field allows you to filter trades based on a Trader Group name

  13. Click [Add].
  14. Note All trades matched to visible orders may have a performance impact on the LISA Frontend. It will also display all related trades despite the filter defined above.

  15. To add a Failed Trade based filter click on the plus (+) in the Failed Trade section. This will open a new window called Add Failed Trade Filtering Rule.
  16. Enter the Source, Market, and the Member to restrict visibility to specific Failed trades. Wildcards are permissible when defining your values.
  17. Click [Add].
  18. To add a Failed Order based filter click on the plus (+) in the Failed Order section. This will open a new window called Add Failed Order Filtering Rule.
  19. Enter the Source, Market, and the Member to restrict visibility to specific Failed trades. Wildcards are permissible when defining your values.
  20. Click [Add].
  21. Once you have entered all the appropriate values to restrict criteria, click [Update] or [Add] if you are adding a new user.