User Setup

User Setup



This section allows for setting up API keys associated/linked to a login.

Create an API Key

Do the following to create a new API key:

  1. Click on the API tab and then Click the [Create] button.
  2. This will open a new window called Create API Key.
  3. Populate the fields appropriately. Refer to the table below for a detailed description of each item.
  4. Item


    Friendly Name

    A simple readable name associated with the key. Must be a unique name per the registered logins

    Expiration Date

    When defined, it represents the date when the key will be invalid.

    Never expires

    Checkbox to make the key valid indefinitely until its defined or deleted.

  5. Once done, Click [Create] a new window called New API key created that enables you to view and copy the newly created key appears. Note that this window can only be viewed once during creation. Otherwise click [Cancel] to abort the setup.
  6. Note The API key is encrypted and cannot be retrieved; If lost, then you need to recreate a new API key.

  7. Once viewed or copied, Click [Save] to finish the setup or [Cancel] to abort.
  8. Once created, Only the “Friendly Name” and “Expiration Date” can be changed.