

LISA Trades


Leg Price Change

In LISA Frontend you can change the price of a trade leg following three simple steps. Please note that the trade has to be in an uncleared status to change the price.

  1. Select a trade leg for a spread and click on [ Change Leg Price] in the trade menu or [Ctrl]+[P] (default shortcut).
  2. A new window Change Leg Price opens, fill in the new price and click [Ok].

Resend Trade to Teo

This feature allows a user to resend a trade to TeoV3 via the LISA Gateway Teo module only.

To resend a trade follow these steps:

  1. Select the trade from the trade list on the lower of the two sections of the middle screen.
  2. Right click on a trade and go to [Trades]>[Resend to Teo].

Submit Pit Trades

Pit trades can be submitted via LISA as follows:

  1. Right Click on trades section and select the option Trades and then the option Submit CME trade.
  2. A pop-up window as shown below should appear to allow you to fill and submit your entries.
  3. Note the radio buttons on the top denote the type of trade

    • Price: Standard Pit trade
    • Fix cab: Based on a fixed price cabinet trade
    • Var cab: Based on a variable cabinet trade

    Diff spreads can also be submitted by either submitting a price on both legs, or by supplying only the diff price in the near leg price. CME will use the engine price as follows

    • Near Leg Price = Far Leg Price + the Diff Price
    • Far Leg Price = Near Leg Price - the Diff Price

    You can also enter negative price and allow to submit diff spread with just a price and not populate the back-leg price.

  4. Click [Add].
  5. Note Check Close after adding a trade: will simply close the form after you click add, should you want to add multiple trades, uncheck this box to retain the form for additional lines.

  6. Should you enter a price without a decimal, a popup will be raised. Clicking OK will submit the trade and cancel will take you back to the trade to edit it.
  7. Note Unchecking the Alert on Price or strike without decimal point will stop any alerts as below in future.