Bulk Import Account

Bulk Import Account

LISA Bulk Import Account

Bulk Import Account

This functionality has been implemented to make it easy for users to make bulk copies of their accounts and other static data items.

For this example, we will query the accounts for client CLIENT1 and use the bulk account import feature to copy the accounts and create new ones for client CLIENT2.

Follow these steps to complete this example:

  1. Navigate to the following menu item [Configuration]>[Static Data]>[Account].
  2. A new window will open Account.
  3. Quick Search the account CLIENT1.
  4. Select all the lines from filtered in the grid.
  5. Right click on the selected lines and click [Copy to Bulk Import]
  6. A new widow will open Bulk Account Import.
  7. Edit the Name field to CLIENT2.
  8. Note You can use the Multiple Edit function to change the value of several cells at the same time. Select the cells that you want to edit, then right-click on the selected cells and click [Multiple Edit]

  9. Press one of the import types Create, Update or Merge then Click on the [Import] button to load the values from the
  10. Bulk Account Import screen into LISA Account static.

    Note Rows successfully imported turn green and display the message “Import completed successfully” in the Results column.

  • Create: Only add new records to static data that don't exist. If import lines match existing static data record it will fail.
  • Update: Update existing static data record with import line. If import lines don't match an existing static data record it will fail
  • Merge: Update existing static data record with import line, where a match is found, else add a new static data record
  • Download — This provides you with an option to download the selected list in bulk import and choose where the generated file will be saved (XLSX file).
  • Upload - This provides you with the opportunity to select and import an xlsx file of your choice containing Account info you have filled with respect to the columns in Accounts section in LISA.

Account Clearing Pattern Feature

This feature is to allow a client to setup just one account within LISA and to declare somewhere else the clearing detail for each market (Example: on EUREX use A1, on ICE use N...).

There is a market code * (star market) and member code * (star member). Users and system components are permissioned on this star market and star membership. An Account Type is added which is used to identify the Clearing pattern to use.

Note The Account Clearing Pattern menu is only available to users who have been granted permissions to the menu. This is found under the Static Data tab when creating or editing a User login.