Profile Setup

Profile Setup

LISA Profile Setup

Profile Setup

Instead of configuring the permissions for every user, LISA allows the creation of profiles. When a profile is allocated to a user, this user will have the same permissions granted by the profile. When more than one profile is allocated to a user, this user will have all the permissions granted by all the profiles.

  1. To access the Profile configuration window, go to [Configuration] Menu > [Security]>[ Profile]”.
  2. The Profile window opens.

This window is divided into two parts:

  • A vertical Action Panel
  • A list of the profiles already defined.

To see the different actions user can perform with the Action Panel (Delete, Export, Email, etc.), refer to Section General Screen Layout.

Follow these steps to add a new Profile:

  1. Click on the [ Add] button located in the Action Panel.
  2. The Add a new Profile window opens.

This window allows you to setup all the profile's permissions.

The General Tab is the only one which is mandatory to fill to create one profile. It allows you to define the profile's name.

Follow these steps to add a new profile name:

  1. Enter a Name *.
  2. Enter a Description.
  3. Check the Profile is disabled box if you don't want this profile to be used in LISA.
  4. Click on the [Add] button to add this new profile or go to one of the other tabs to specify more details about the profile.

Note The fields followed by * are mandatory.

For more information on the permissions of the other tabs, refer to User.