The LISA Front End has two main Predefined Filter areas:
The filter bar located above the Order Area. It lets you filter the trades/orders according to their clearing status and their members.
The filter pane located on the leI of the window. It lets you filter the Give-In trades, the Give-Up trades or the trades of a specific market.
The top filter bar below is displayed on two rows for visibility purposes only:
It contains the following filters:
All: All the trades and orders are displayed.
Unmatched: All the trades not matched with an order AND all the orders not matched with a trade are displayed.
Uncleared: All the trades and orders not yet cleared are displayed.
Matched: All the trades matched with orders are displayed.
Wait: All the trades and orders which are awaiting a manual inspection and release are displayed.
Give-Up Pending: All the Give-Up trades which are waiOng to be accepted by another member are displayed.
Cleared: All the cleared trades and orders are displayed.
Error: All the trades and orders containing an error are displayed.
Disabled: All the trades which do not have to be managed by LISA Front End are displayed.
Failed Order: A new window opens and displays all the failed orders.
Failed Trades: A new window opens and displays all the failed trades.
The member filter tab is displayed as below:
This bar allows filtering according to the members that the user has permissions on (based on the market selection filters located on the leI side). This filter bar can be hidden by the user.
This filter panel is located on the leI of the LISA Front End window.
It is divided into the following parts:
All: All the trades and orders are displayed.
Give-In: Only the Give-In trades are displayed.
Non Give-In : All the trades and orders are displayed except the Give-Ins.
All: All the trades and orders are displayed.
Give-Up: Only the Give-Up trades are displayed.
Non Give-Up: All the trades and orders are displayed except the Give-Ups.
None: Clear the filter
All: Combines all the filters appropriate for EX/ASS/ABAN/POS
Exercise: Options that have been marked for exercise.
Assignment: Options that have been marked for Assignment.
Abandon: Options filtered on the marked Abandoned
No Assignment: Options that have not been assigned.
Position: this will show trades with internal status= Position and EXASS &
POS orders
Virtual Transfer
None: Clear the filter
In:Transfer IN trades
Out:Transfer OUT trades
All: All the trades and orders are displayed.
List of different markets: You can select a specific market and only the trades
executed on this market will be displayed. You can configure which markets you want to see on this filter area. If a star is displayed on the right of a market, it means that there is a new trade executed on this market.
It is possible to combine several of the above filters. For example, if you want to see only the Give-In and Give-Up trades, simply click on both the Give-In and Give-Up buttons.