A strong advantage of the LISA Front End is that it allows users to create their custom filters and save them for easy reuse. For each custom filter, a button is created in the custom filter bar located above the Order Area.
The area containing the Custom Filters created by a user.
As you can see above, the user has created his own filters and named them “FCE”,”578”, etc.
Follow these steps to create your own filters:
Note The following filtering options are possible. You are also able to use combinations of the below options.
Note All saved filters will dynamically refresh every 60 seconds.
of Wildcard Characters |
Description |
% or
Any characters (including zero
Any single character. |
Any Single digit (0-9).
or > |
Inferior or superior (applicable on number, text,
date). |
or >=
Inferior or Equal, Superior or Equal
(applicable on number, date, text).
NOT clause (e.g. Type=!A
means every type except A). |
OR Clause (e.g. Type=A,B mean Type A or
AND Clause (e.g Type=ABC*;!ABC123
means any type starting with ABC excluding ABC123 |
!( )
NOT clause applicable globally on
several OR clauses (e.g. Type=!(A,B) means every
type except A and B).
Defines filter by current day value, this will dynamically
update each date role. |
Defines a filter by current day (T)
adding an additional day value to give you the forward clearing date.
Defines a filter by current day (T) subtracting a
single day value to give you a filter result of the previous clearing date. |
Filters by the current time (Now)
subtracting the defined minutes from the filter (M) e.g. to filter everything
than 10minutes ago enter Now-10M.
Note One can mix comma and semicolon values by grouping all the comma filter together first : that give a subset of the data on which we then applies all the semicolon filters (AND logic).
Note that the very first filter is always considered as a normal filter.
e.g. : ABC*,DEF*;!ABC123 = > (ABC* OR DEF*) AND NOT ABC123
e.g. : ABC*;!ABC123,DEF* = > same as above = > ABC*,DEF* then NOT ABC123
Note If you want the filter button to have a background color, click the checkbox Back Color, then Click on the colored box to select a suitable color.
Example: here are the steps to create a filter on every Sell trade expiring on December 2017:
This special filter allows you to display the orders and trades with the same contract characteristics. It works by automatically populating the contract, expiry, strike and call/put filters.
To use the contract filter, select a trade or an order, right-click on it and click on menu item [ Advanced Search]
, then [Apply Contract Filter]:
A filter with all the required fields is applied.
Set sound alerts when a trade hits LISA with an exec Ome older than x minutes, this will automatically refresh. To use this filter, right- click on it and click the menu item [Time Filters].
This special filter allows you to display the orders and trades with the same basic matching criteria.
It works by automatically populating the date, market, member, buy/sell, contract, expiry, strike, call/put and price filters.
To use the basic matching criteria filter, select a trade or an order, right-click on it and click on the menu item [
Advanced Search] , then [Apply Basic Matching Criteria Filter].
A filter with all the required fields is applied.
This special filter allows you to display the orders and trades which are matched. It works by automatically populating the ID filter that is shared between matched trades and orders.
To use the matching filter, select a trade or an order, right-click on it and click on the menu item [ Advanced Search] then Apply Matching.
A filter with the required field is applied.
Provides a search for trades having the same characteristics at a given average price (same algorithms than the Matching Engine Average Price Feature (AVGPX/AVGPXO)).
To use the search at an average price, select a trade or an order, right-click on it and click on the menu item [ Advanced Search] then [Search at an Average Price].
For greater efficiency, you can also use patterns in your filter criteria. The patterns use the following wildcards:
% or * |
Any characters including zero. |
? |
Any single character. |
# |
Any single digit (0-9). |
< or > |
Inferior or Superior (Applicable on number, date or text). |
<= or >= |
Inferior or equal, Superior or Equal (Applicable on number, date, text). |
! |
NOT clause (e.g. Type=A,B means only Type A or B). |
. |
OR clause (e.g. Type=A,B means only Type A or B). |
!() |
NOT clause applicable globally on several OR clauses (e.g. Type = !(A,B) means every Type except A and B). |
To match a wildcard character, enclose it in square brackets, example [#]
You can also filter on a list of values by separating each value by a comma (“,”) or can use multiple wildcards in your pattern.
For Example:
You can also use the following special values to filter on the clearing date:
For example, you can create a specific filter to see all the previous day business which is sOll in the LISA acOve screen by using the filter Date=T-1.
AIer having added some filter criteria, you can modify each criterion by right-clicking on it in the filter bar. A popup window appears and allows you to enter the new value you want to filter on.
You can also delete a filter by clicking on the red cross located on the leI of each filter criterion.
In your day-to-day activity, you will be using the filtering functionalities very oIen. Therefore, you might take advantage of another way of creating filter criteria by selecting a cell of the order or trade list and using the Keyboard shortcut [F5] to add the cell value to your filter.
Another efficient way of creating filters is as follows: